Man pages for talentlens/talentlens
R package for team TalentLens

baggedParamsFunction to calculate bagged IRT parameters from a score...
balancerFunction to balance a sample with regards to a dominant...
eapFunction to estimate ability using EAP algorithm
fetchConcertoDataFunction to fetch data from Concerto
findAnchorsFunction to suggest optimal anchor items from a score matrix
monitorParticipantsFunction to monitor participants from MTurk projects
scoreDataFrameFunction to score an entire data frame
scoreResponsesFunction to score a vector of responses
scoringKeyFunction to create a scoring key for the 'scoreData' function
talentlens-packagePackage for TalentLens R&D team
targetUKCensusFunction to calculate target proportions from UK Census data...
talentlens/talentlens documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:52 a.m.