Man pages for tarakc02/lazylist
Lazily Evaluated Lists

as.list.lazylistExport a portion of a stream as a list
cons_streamCreate a stream
merge_weightedMerge two streams so that the result is ordered
shift_leftShift a stream to the left
stream_carStream accessors
stream_filterFilter a stream using a predicate function
stream_for_eachPerform a function on each element of a stream (without...
stream_mapMap a function onto a stream or streams
stream_refGet a single element of a stream
stream_whichWhich stream indices are TRUE?
subsetSelect elements of a stream
weighted_pairsCreate a stream of (ordered) pairs, from two individual...
tarakc02/lazylist documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:51 a.m.