Man pages for tarakc02/rmapzen
Client for 'Mapzen' and Related Map APIs

as_sfCoerce a Mapzen response to a simple features object
ca_tilesVector tiles the contain California
costing_modelsCosting model constructors and helpers
mapzen_referencesReference lists
marina_walksPedestrian isochrones from the Berkeley Marina for 10 and 15...
marina_walks_polygonsPedestrian isochrones from the Berkeley Marina for 10 and 15...
mz_bboxGet the bounding box
mz_check_usageCheck usage statistics
mz_contoursCreate an mz_contours object
mz_coordinatesExtract a data frame of coordinates from a 'mapzen_geo_list'
mz_date_timeCreate mz_date_time objects
mz_geocodeGeocode an address or other location
mz_geocode_structuredGeocode a structured address
mz_isochroneRetrieve isochrones
mz_locationCreate/extract lat/lon location information
mz_placeGet details on a place
mz_providerConfigure provider information
mz_set_hostSet up a host provider for a PELIAS service
mz_structured_searchStructured search
mz_tile_coordinatesSpecify tile coordinates
mz_vector_tilesRequest vector tile data
oakland_public25 search results for "Oakland Public library branch"
rmapzen-packagermapzen: A client application for the 'Mapzen' API.
searchMapzen search API
tarakc02/rmapzen documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 7:32 p.m.