Man pages for taylordunn/dunnr
Personal R Package of Taylor Dunn

add_facet_bordersAdds borders around panels and strips
create_post_tdunnCreate a new post with the template
get_distill_sourceGet the source URL for a Distill post
get_quarto_sourceGet the source URL for a Quarto post
pipePipe operator
remove_axisRemoves one or both axes of a 'ggplot2' plot
scale_color_tdTD color and fill scales for 'ggplot2' plots
set_geom_fontsSets the default font for 'ggplot2' text and label geoms
set_paletteSets the default ggplot2 palettes
td_colorsColors and palettes
td_palTD palettes
theme_tdAdd the base theme from dunnr to a ggplot
theme_td_greyAdd the grey theme from dunnr to a ggplot
theme_td_gridAdd the grid theme from dunnr to a ggplot
theme_td_minimalAdd the minimal theme from dunnr to a ggplot
taylordunn/dunnr documentation built on Aug. 8, 2022, 12:28 p.m.