Man pages for taywater/pwdgsi
Philadelphia Water Department Green Stormwater Infrastructure

baro_spdfsmp_stats baro_spdf
depth.volumeReturn Volume or Depth Input maximum depth and maximum volume...
get_legendGet Legend
marsBaroRasterPlotBarometric Pressure Raster Plot
marsCheckSMPSnapshotCheck if a data snapshot for an SMP exists
marsCombinedPlotPlot hyetograph and water level plot on the same chart
marsDetectEventsIdentify individual rainfall events
marsDraindownAssessmentDraindown Assessment
marsEventCombinedPlotPlot hyetograph and observed water level for a single plot...
marsFetchBaroDataFetch barometric pressure data for a target SMP, date range,...
marsFetchLevelDataFetch water level data for an SMP
marsFetchMonitoringDataFetch monitoring data for an SMP
marsFetchPrivateSMPRecordsReturn query results of private SMPs
marsFetchRainEventDataFetch rain event data for an SMP
marsFetchRainfallDataReturn a dataframe with rain gage data
marsFetchSMPSnapshotFetch data snapshot for an SMP
marsGapFillEventIDReturn a dataset with event IDs for zero-punctuated...
marsInfiltrationRate_inhrInfiltration Rate
marsInterpolateBaroInterpolate barometric pressure with inverse distance...
marsMetricsTableAdd metrics to an existing water level or combined plot
marsRainfallPlotPlot hyetograph
marsSampleBaroSample Baro Data
marsSampleBaro_plotSample Baro Data for Plotting
marsSampleRainSample Rain Data
marsSavePlotWrapper function for ggsave that ensures text appears...
marsSimulatedLevelSeries_ftSimulated Water Level
marsUnderdrainOutflow_cfObserved Orifice Outflow Volume
marsWaterLevelBaseline_ftWater Level Baseline
marsWaterLevelPlotObserved and Simulated Water Level Plot
marsWriteDraindownDataWrite Draindown Data to Database
marsWriteInfiltrationDataWrite Infiltration Performance Data to Database
marsWriteOvertoppingDataWrite Overtopping Data to Database
marsWritePercentStorageDataWrite Percent of Storaged Used Data to Database
monitoringdata_250SMP Monitoring Data
obs_250_allSample SMP Data
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
simulation.statsSimulation Stats
snapshot_250SMP Snapshot
stormReturn storm attributes
summary_250SMP Summary
yday_decimalFetch a decimal day from a datetime
taywater/pwdgsi documentation built on April 19, 2024, 11:10 a.m.