umxReduce: Reduce models, and report the results.

umxReduceR Documentation

Reduce models, and report the results.


Given a umx model (currently umxACE and umxGxE are supported - ask for more!) umxReduce will conduct a formalised reduction process. It will also report Akaike weights are also reported showing relative support across models.

Specialized functions are called for different type of input:

  1. GxE model reduction For umxGxE() models umxReduceGxE() is called.

  2. ACE model reduction For umxACE() models,umxReduceACE() is called.

umxReduce reports the results in a table. Set the format of the table with umx_set_table_format(), or set report= "html" to open a table for pasting into a word processor.

umxReduce is a work in progress, with more automatic reductions coming as demand emerges. I am thinking for RAM models to drop NS paths, and report that test.


  report = c("markdown", "inline", "html"),
  intervals = TRUE,
  testD = TRUE,
  baseFileName = "tmp",
  tryHard = "yes",
  silent = FALSE,



The mxModel() which will be reduced.


How to report the results. "html" = open in browser


Recompute CIs (if any included) on the best model (default = TRUE)


Whether to test ADE and DE models (TRUE)


(optional) custom filename for html output (defaults to "tmp")


Default = "yes"


Default = FALSE


Other parameters to control model summary


  • Wagenmakers, E.J., & Farrell, S. (2004). AIC model selection using Akaike weights. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 11, 192-196. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.3758/BF03206482")}

See Also

umxReduceGxE(), umxReduceACE()

Other Model Summary and Comparison: umx, umxCompare(), umxEquate(), umxMI(), umxSetParameters(), umxSummary()

Other Twin Modeling Functions: power.ACE.test(), umx, umxACE(), umxACEcov(), umxACEv(), umxCP(), umxDiffMZ(), umxDiscTwin(), umxDoC(), umxDoCp(), umxGxE(), umxGxE_window(), umxGxEbiv(), umxIP(), umxMRDoC(), umxReduceACE(), umxReduceGxE(), umxRotate.MxModelCP(), umxSexLim(), umxSimplex(), umxSummarizeTwinData(), umxSummaryACE(), umxSummaryACEv(), umxSummaryDoC(), umxSummaryGxEbiv(), umxSummarySexLim(), umxSummarySimplex(), umxTwinMaker()

tbates/umx documentation built on Oct. 14, 2024, 6:41 a.m.