Man pages for tbep-tech/peptools
Analysis Tools for Importing, Wrangling, and Summarizing Suffolk County Water Quality Data

anlz_attainpepGet attainment categories
anlz_dodlypepAnalyze daily DO values relative to threshold
anlz_domopepAnalyze monthly DO values relative to threshold
anlz_entpepCount beach exceedances for enterococcus
anlz_medpepEstimate annual medians
beachesBathing beaches
dodatDissolved oxygen data for USGS stations
entdatRaw beach pathogen data from Suffolk County
pepsegPolygon shapefile of segment boundaries
pepstationsBay stations by segment
peptargetsBay segment targets
rawdatRaw data from Suffolk County
read_pepdoImport dissolved oxygen data
read_pepentImport raw enterococcus data
read_pepwqImport raw water quality data
show_allthrpepPlot annual water quality value and thresholds for all...
show_boxpepPlot monthly chlorophyll, secchi, or tn values values for a...
show_domatrixCreate a colorized table for reporting dissolved oxygen data...
show_entmatrixCreate a colorized table for beach pathogen exceedances
show_matrixpepCreate a colorized table for indicator reporting
show_plotlypepPlot chlorophyll and secchi data together with matrix...
show_reactablepepCreate reactable table from matrix data
show_segmatrixpepCreate a colorized table for water quality outcomes and...
show_sitemappepMap water quality data for a selected year
show_thrpepPlot annual water quality value and thresholds for a segment
show_wqmatrixpepCreate a colorized table for chlorophyll or secchi...
tbep-tech/peptools documentation built on March 13, 2024, 4:22 p.m.