Man pages for tbrugz/ribge
Loads data from IBGE

area_municipiosReturns a 'data.frame' with area by municipality (in 'km^2')
bcb_serie_carregaReturns a 'data.frame' with a given series from BCB (Brazil's...
habitantes2010Municipalities population data from 2010 census.
ibge.populacao.sourcesMunicipalities population estimates file sources
ipea_serie_carregaReturns a 'data.frame' with a given series from IPEA...
municipioIbgeTseMapMapping between IBGE's & TSE's municipalities codes
pib_municipiosReturns a 'data.frame' with the gross domestic product...
populacao_municipiosReturns a 'data.frame' with population estimates for all...
populacao_municipios_carregaReads a file path with the population estimate file and...
populacao_municipios_downloadReturns a file path of the population estimate file for a...
precos_deflatorpibReturns a 'data.frame' with yearly GDP deflator
precos_inpcReturns a 'data.frame' with montly INPC index for the...
precos_ipcaReturns a 'data.frame' with montly IPCA index for the...
precos_sinapiReturns a 'data.frame' with montly SINAPI index for the...
ribgeribge: package for (down)loading data from IBGE.
seriesEstatisticasSeries codes from 'seriesestatisticas' website
series_estatisticas_carregaReturns a 'data.frame' with a given series.
series_estatisticas_carrega_todas_localidadesReturns a 'data.frame' with a given series for all...
tse_municipiosReturns a 'data.frame' with municipalities from TSE (Tribunal...
util.downloadDownload a given file
util.downloadAndUnzipDownload and unzip a given file by its URL
util.downloadSeriesDownloads a given series by its code
util.unzipUnzips a file
vswitchVectorized 'switch'
tbrugz/ribge documentation built on Feb. 24, 2024, 7 p.m.