
R based HDFS functions for directing the output of any standard print based functions into and out of an HDFS file. These functions do not need extra memory for caching, staging, or otherwise converting values. These functions are simple, fast, and memory efficient.

Pre-requisites Environment variable * HADOOP_CMD = location of the hadoop command line executable such as when running 'hadoop fs -ls /anHdfsFolder' Installation * library(devtools) * install_github('tcederquist/ermhdfs') * Run * library(ermhdfs)

erm.hdfsWrite(output, hdfsFilename, append=FALSE)


Creates a string that can be used by any pipe friendly function to stream the contents of the html file.


Delete removes the specified file from the supplied HDFS folder

tcederquist/ermhdfs documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:19 a.m.