Logicle scale for ggplot2

This is a thin wrapper around the flowCore functions for logicle scaling that's suitable for use with ggplot2.

To use:

  1. Make sure you have devtools installed: install.packages("devtools")
  2. Make sure you have Bioconductor and flowCore installed: source(""); biocLite("flowCore")
  3. Install this package: devtools::install_github("tdsmith/logiclescale")
  4. Plot like: ggplot(my_data, aes(CD4)) + geom_density() + scale_x_continuous(trans=logiclescale::logicle_trans())

You can pass w, t, and m arguments to logicle_trans to configure the transformation; see ?flowCore::logicletGml2 for more information.

tdsmith/logiclescale documentation built on May 31, 2019, 7:56 a.m.