
R package for basic statistics for environmental sciences


The package kgv (Katedra geoenvironmentálních věd) was created with the purpose of automatizing routinary statistical analysis performed for environmental geosciences in R. Thus, most of the functions here are based on basic R commands.

As the package is for environmental sciences, some functions for chemical calculations have been added, such a molarity (Tt.mol) and ppm (Tt.ppm). However, the original function of the package was to automatize routinary statistical analysis, as well as plots and tables useful for publications, based on ANOVA. Therefore, the package can be useful for any researcher, even with little knowledge of R, to make easier and practical the repetitive creations of ANOVA and some of its derivates. Critics, commentaries, ideas and opinions about new functions related to this topic are welcome to improve the package, as well as collaboration of code.

Functions and data

All the functions and data can be used as in any R package. See help in R for details. Here we present a general description of all the functions and data included in the package.


This package is free and open source software, licensed under GPL.

teoten108/kgv documentation built on Sept. 22, 2022, 12:54 a.m.