
title: 'lfda: Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis in R' authors: - affiliation: 1 name: Yuan Tang orcid: 0000-0001-5243-233X - affiliation: 2 name: Wenxuan Li date: "13 July 2019" output: pdf_document: default html_document: df_print: paged bibliography: paper.bib tags: - R - distance metric learning - statistics - clustering - machine learning - dimensionality reduction - local fisher discriminant analysis affiliations: - index: 1 name: Ant Financial Services Group, San Mateo, CA 94402, USA - index: 2 name: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA


Fisher discriminant analysis [@fdapaper] is a popular choice to reduce the dimensionality of the original dataset. It maximizes between-class scatter and minimizes within-class scatter. It works really well in practice but lacks some considerations for multimodality. Multimodality exists within many applications, such as disease diagnosis, where there may be multiple causes for a particular disease. In this situation, Fisher discriminant analysis cannot capture the multimodal characteristics of the clusters. To deal with multimodality, local-preserving projection [@lpppaper] preserves the local structure of the data in that it keeps nearby data pairs in the original data space close in the embedding space. As a result, multimodal data could be embedded and its local structure will not be lost.

Later on, a new dimensionality reduction method called local Fisher discriminant analysis (LFDA) [@lfdaoriginalpaper] was proposed to combine both advantages of Fisher discriminant analysis and those of local-preserving projection in a way that between-class separability is maximized while within-class separability is minimized and its local structure is preserved. Furthermore, with the help of kernel trick, local Fisher discriminant analysis can also be extended to deal with non-linear dimensionality reduction situations.

Principal components analysis (PCA) [@pcapaper] is another popular choice for performing dimension reduction. However, in practice sometimes principal components analysis generates bad principal components that cannot explain a great amount of variance in the original dataset. For example, if the original dataset has six dimensions and we reduce the dimension into three using PCA, the three principal components might not capture some important characteristics and variance in the original dataset. Using this result from PCA sometimes misleads the analysis due to the poor pre-processing that losses a lot of the essential information in the original dataset. On the other hand, metric learning methods such as LFDA in particular can, surprisingly, enhance the distinctive characteristics of the original dataset and pull data points that have similar characteristics close to each other. However, both PCA and LFDA have their own shortcomings and a combined approach called semi-supervised local Fisher discriminant analysis [@semilfdapaper] mix the supervised and unsupervised approaches to provide a more stable result.

The lfda [@lfdapaper; @lfdapkg] package is an R package that provides the implementation for the abovely mentioned methods local Fisher discriminant analysis, kernel local Fisher discriminant analysis, and semi-supervised local Fisher discriminant analysis so researchers could quickly experiment different variations of local Fisher discriminant analysis methods in different applications. As of the time of writing, it's the first package with those methods implemented in native R language. It also provides visualization functions to easily visualize the dimension reduction results by using rgl [@rgl] for 3D visualization, ggfortify [@rjggfortify; @ggfortify] for 2D visualization in ggplot2 [@wickham2009ggplot2] style, or autoplotly [@autoplotlypkg; @autoplotly2018joss] for interactive visualizations in plotly [@plotly] style. lfda is also included in dml [@dmlpkg; @dmljoss] package together with implementations of other distance metric learning algorithms.


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