Man pages for thebioengineer/AxioSerializer
Serializes and stores objects in Databases

listExistingObjectsGet the names of the Objects in a table that is stored in a...
listExistingObjectsByTableGet the names of the Objects by Axioserializer compliant...
listExistingTablesGet the names of the Axioserializer compliant tables in a...
nSerializedObjectsGet the number of the Objects in a table that is stored in a...
readObjectFromDBRead stored Object from inside a SQLite database
readObjectFromTableRead add an Object from inside a SQLite database table
returnMultipleObjectsFromDBReturn stored Object(s) from inside a SQLite database to the...
writeObjectToDBStore any Object inside a SQLite database
writeObjectToTableRead add an Object to a list of objects inside a SQLite...
thebioengineer/AxioSerializer documentation built on May 12, 2019, 8:45 a.m.