
Defines functions batch_sil

Documented in batch_sil

#' batch_sil
#' @description
#'     Determine batch/bio effect using the silhouette
#'     coefficient (adopted from scone):
#' @param pca.data a list as created by \code{prcomp},
#'     \code{batch_sil.R} needs \code{$x}:
#'     the principal components (PCs,
#'     correctly: the rotated data)
#' @param batch vector with the batch
#'     covariate (for each cell)
#' @param nPCs the number of principal components
#'     to use (default: 3)
#' @return
#'     The average silhouette width for all clusters.
#'     For batch effect, the smaller the better.
#'     For biological effect, the larger the better.
#' @examples
#'     testdata <- create_testset_multibatch(n.genes=1000,
#'                   n.batch=3, plattform='any')
#'     pca.data <- prcomp(testdata$data, center=TRUE)
#'     batch.silhouette <- batch_sil(pca.data, testdata$batch)
#' @importFrom cluster silhouette
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @export
batch_sil <- function(pca.data, batch, nPCs = 3){
    # in scone, they use svd to compute principal components.
    # For now, we'll keep the PCA object created in
    # prcomp to be consistent
    # proj <- svd(scale(t(expr),center = TRUE,scale = TRUE),
    #             nu = 3, nv =0)$u

    dd <- as.matrix(dist(pca.data$x[, seq_len(nPCs)]))
    summary(silhouette(as.numeric(batch), dd))$avg.width
theislab/kBET documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 9:58 p.m.