Before you start

Get the script template by running the following line of code:

file.copy(from = list.files(path.package("laycca"), pattern = '\\.R$'),
          to = 'path/to/working/directory', overwrite = recursive, recursive = FALSE,
          copy.mode = TRUE)

STEP 1: Get raw data from ETO

Get the students list from ETO

To obtain this list:

  1. Go to ETO: Reports > View reports
  2. Run the "[LAYCCA] students_roster" report in ETO
  3. At the prompt, select the date range you are interested in.
  4. Click on "students_list" tab
  5. Save the table as a text file (.txt extension)

Get the students' NWEA scores from ETO

To obtain NWEA data

  1. Run the "[Admin] raw_touchpoint_report_detailed"
  2. At the prompt, select the date range you are interested in.
  3. Save the data as a text file (.txt extension)

STEP 2: Load data into R

If you have never used the laycUtils and laycca packages before, uncomment, and run the following 2 lines of code:

# devtools::install_github('thelayc/laycUtils', build_vignettes = TRUE)
# devtools::install_github('thelayc/laycca', build_vignettes = TRUE)
nwea <- load_txt("./path/to/nwea_scores.txt") # Edit the path to your .csv file as needed
students <- load_txt("./path/to/students_roster.txt") # Edit the path to your .csv file as needed

The nwea dataset should have the following structure and column names:

nwea <- nwea_eto

The students dataset should have the following structure and column names:

students <- students_list

thelayc/laycca documentation built on May 31, 2019, 9:48 a.m.