Man pages for thelit/openpogo
Pokemon Go Cataloguing and Analysis Tools

agenda.addLittle helper adds an agenda item to the agenda dataframe
agenda.updateUpdates the agenda dataframe when you level up one of the...
alldpsLists all combinations of moves for a given 'mon, and their...
allmoves.addAdd a new move to allmoves
combosCounts the number of combinations that equal a range, with a...
combos.betterCounts the number of combinations that are better than one...
copy_to_clipboardCopy info to the clipboard (Mac version)
cpcalcCalculates CP for a given mon using level, attack, defense,...
CPinCalculate CP for every mon in your database
dmgcalcCalculates the damage a move will do against a target
hpcalcCalculates HP for a given mon using level and stamina IV....
HPinCalculate HP for every mon in your database
levelcalcCalculates the level corresponding to a given bunch of stats.
levfromstatsCalculates level and HP given a name, CP, attack, defense,...
loadmonlistLoads the database of your pokemon. Careful not to erase...
loadpokeLoads all the basic info about pokemon, their moves, and game...
matcheckFind what level you can afford to get to with specified dust...
matcostEither give a starting level or a starting amount of dust,...
moncatLists all pokemon in the database matching a grep for the...
moncat.typesLists all your mons of a particular type
monsOfTypeLooks up all pok<c3><a9>mon who are of a particular type....
movematches.addAdds a combination of pokemon and move to the movematches...
movesetPass it a pokemon name ("Charizard") and it displays a little...
mylist.addAdds a pokemon to the database conforming to the output of...
mylist.counterShows how much damage a mon in your database could do against...
mylist.countersCalls mylist.counter() for each of your mons, defaults to not...
mylist.dpslvlSees how effective one of your mons is at attacking a type of...
mylist.evolveUse to evolve a pokemon in your database, calculating new...
mylist.exportCopy a database to the clipboard (Mac)
mylist.legendariesLists all legendaries in mymons.
mylist.levelChange the level of a mon in the list, recalculate CP and HP....
mylist.levelsAttempt to calculate levels of all pokemons in the selected...
mylist.newAdd a new 'mon by its stats
mylist.raidcounterWrapper for mylist.counter(), check how effective one of your...
mylist.raidcountersWrapper for mylist.counters(), cycles through your mons to...
mylist.raidstrongWrapper for mylist.strongvs(), determining which of your mons...
mylist.statsvsShows how strong of both an attacker and defender one of your...
mylist.strlvlShows how strong of a defender one of your mons is against a...
mylist.strongSee your mon's survivability vs. a certain source's attacks
mylist.strongvsIterates mylist.strong() for each mon in your database That...
mylist.subtractSubtract a pokemon from the database
mylist.updateUpdates IV stats for one mon in your database
nearmonsChecks the pokedex (more or less), shows the names of those...
olddpsLists all combinations of moves for a given 'mon, and their...
paste_from_clipboardPaste info from the clipboard
pctcalcJust calculate your IV percentage (sum of stats / 45)
pokemon.addAdd a new pokemon to the pokemon database ('pokedex')
possiblesTake pokemon, CP, HP, dust to level, and optionally...
raidbosses.addUpdate the raidbosses list with a previously unknown raid...
raidbosses.getGet list of current raid bosses
raidbosses.setSwitch up the list of active raid bosses Defaults to clearing...
raidweatherLists all active raid bosses enhanced by current weather.
renumLittle helper: Takes the name of a data frame (as a string!)...
savemonlistSaves pokemon databases and various other stuff I like
savepokeSave the key data about pokemon and move attributes, etc.
strengthsShows the damage type advantages of a given type of attack
strongestLists the known movesets that are strongest against the...
totaldpsGives the combined average DPS per second of a pair of moves.
weaknessesLooks up a mon's weaknesses, compounds them if multiple...
thelit/openpogo documentation built on Jan. 16, 2020, 12:52 a.m.