options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)
# see: https://github.com/yihui/xaringan
# install.packages("xaringan")
# see: 
# https://github.com/yihui/xaringan/wiki
# https://github.com/gnab/remark/wiki/Markdown
options(digits = 4)



"Everything in R is an object"

John Chambers

+ R's objects are have content and attributes. + The content can be anything from numbers or strings to functions or complex data structures. + Attributes often encompass names, dimensions, and the class or type of the object, but other attributes are possible. + Practically all data objects are equipped with those three essential attributes.

] .pull-right8[



Data objects

+ Objects either contain elements of the same type (homogeneous) or different types (heterogeneous). + Homogeneous objects are always flat, i.e., contain no nested structure. + Lists can contain anything, even lists (recursive), whereas data frames underly certain restrictions in terms of type and dimensions.





R's most basic (and smallest) data format - even single values are implmented as vectors.


# creating a vector (incl. names)
my_vec <- c(t_1 = 1.343, t_2 = 5.232)

# vectors are always flat
my_vec <- c(1.343, c(5.232, 2.762))

# naming vectors
my_vec <- c(t_1 = 1.343, t_2 = 5.232)
names(my_vec) = c("t_1","t_2")

# evaluting inherent attributes





A vector contains elements of one of four basic types: integer, double, numeric, and character. You can test the type using typeof() or the type-specific is.*(), e.g., is.integer().


# numeric vectors
my_vec <- c(1.343, 5.232)
typeof(my_vec) ; is.integer(my_vec)

# integer vectors (overruled by R)
my_vec <- c(1, 7, 2)
typeof(my_vec) ; is.integer(my_vec)



# logical vectors
my_vec <- c(TRUE, FALSE)
typeof(my_vec) ; is.logical(my_vec)
# character vectors
my_vec <- c('a', 'hello', 'world')
typeof(my_vec) ; is.character(my_vec)



R allows you to flexibly change types into another using as.*(), which however lead to a loss of information! Often coercion occurs automatically. Mathematical functions (+, log, abs, etc.) will coerce to a double or integer, logical operations (&, |, any, etc) will coerce to a logical.


# double to integer
my_vec <- as.integer(c(1, 7, 2))
# double to logical (and back - > info loss)
my_vec <- as.logical(c(1.21, 7.24, 0))
as.logical(my_vec) ; as.numeric(as.logical(my_vec))



# logical operation -> logical type
c(1, 7, 2) > 3
# mathematical operation -> numeric type 
# anything can be coerced to character 
as.character(c(TRUE, FALSE, 0)) 



Factors are a special case of vector that can contain only predifined values defined in the attribute levels. Factors are rarely useful and sometimes dangerous, yet several R functions will coerce character vectors to factor.


# create a factor
my_fact <- factor(c('A','B','C'))

# test type

# add value at 4th position
my_fact[4] <- 'A'
# my_fact[4] <- 'D' # leads to error



# dangerous behavior of factors pt. 1
my_fact <- factor(c('A','B','C'))

# dangerous behavior of factors pt. 2
my_fact <- factor(c(1.32,4.52,.23))
as.double(my_fact) # ranks


Matrices & Arrays

Matrices and arrays are straightforward extensions of vectors with 2 (matrix) or n dimensions. Both are atomic (carry only one type), have names (col-, row-, and dimnames) and dimensions arguments. Compared to vectors, lists, and data frames, they usually play a lesser role in most applications.









Accessing & changing atomic objects pt. 1

To access and change atomic data objects use brackets [ or names. When using [ be sure to use as many indices as there are dimensions, e.g., [3] for vectors and [1,3] for matrices. Omittence of an index means for all elements.


# retrieve second element from vector
my_vec <- c('A','B','C')

# change the second element 
my_vec[2] <- 'D' ; my_vec

# change beyond length(my_vec) 
my_vec[7] <- 1 ; my_vec



# create matrix
my_mat <- matrix(c(1:6), nrow=2)

# retrieve second row from matrix
my_mat[2, ] ; my_mat[2, 1]


Accessing & changing atomic objects pt. 2

Provided the object is equipped with an name attribute, indexing can also be accomplished using the elements name.


# retrieve element 'a' from vector
my_vec <- c(a = 1, b = 4, c = 5)

# change the element 
my_vec['c'] <- 'D' 

# change beyond length(my_vec) 
my_vec['d'] <- 1 ; my_vec



# create matrix
my_mat <- matrix(c(1:6), nrow=2)
colnames(my_mat) <- c('v_1','v_2','v_3')
rownames(my_mat) <- c('c_1','c_2')

# retrieve second row from matrix
my_mat['c_1', ] ; my_mat['c_1', 'v_2']


Accessing & changing complex objects pt. 1

To access and change complex objects the added organizational list layer needs to be taken into account. This means that single brackets [ will select an element within the list, not the object behind that element. To select the element use double brackets '[['. Additional, complex objects can be conveniently accessed using the dollor operator $. In order to further descend into the objects structur repeat the select operators, e.g., my_list[[1]][[2]].


# retrieve elements from list
my_list <- list('A'=c('A','B'), 
my_list[1] ; my_list[[1]] ; my_list[['A']]



# retrieve deep elements in list
my_list <- list('A'=c('A','B'), 
my_list[[2]][1] ; my_list[[2]][[1]] ;my_list[['B']][[1]]


Accessing & changing complex objects pt. 2

Data frames can be accessed exactly like lists. In addition, data frames allow for a matrix-like access using single bracket [. Note however that selecting rows using single bracket returns a data frame, whereas for selecting columns returns a vector.


# retrieve elements from list
my_df <- data.frame('v_1'=c('A','B','C'), 
my_df[1] ; my_df[[1]] ; my_df[['v_1']]



# retrieve elements from list
my_df <- data.frame('v_1'=c('A','B','C'), 
my_df[1,] ; my_df[,1] ; my_df[1,2]


Object algebra

R provides most most operations of vector and matrix algebra. As R is generally a slow language it is often desirable to make use of it.


# create objects
my_mat <- matrix(1:9, ncol=3)
my_vec <- c(1:3)

# object times scale (also a vector)
my_mat * 5 ; my_vec * 5



# create objects
my_mat <- matrix(1:9, ncol=3)
my_vec <- c(1:3)

# matrix multiplication
my_vec %*% my_mat



therbootcamp/BaselRBootcamp2017 documentation built on May 3, 2019, 10:45 p.m.