options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)
# see: https://github.com/yihui/xaringan
# install.packages("xaringan")
# see: 
# https://github.com/yihui/xaringan/wiki
# https://github.com/gnab/remark/wiki/Markdown
options(digits = 4)



dplyr is a package for managing dataframes.

Anytime you want to slice, dice, aggregate, or manipulate a dataframe, there is almost certainly a way to do it in dplyr.




Questions you can answer with dplyr

Can you calculate the mean survival times for each treatment separated by gender and time?

I need to know the mean birth rate only for countries in Africa from 1980 to 1980.

What percent of female patients had adverse events to drug X during weeks 5 through 10?


dplyr CheatSheet!





dplyr is a combination of 3 things:

  1. objects like dataframes
  2. verbs that do things to objects.
  3. pipes %>% that string together objects and verbs





dplyr is meant to be sequential and work like language

Take data X, then do Y, then do Z...

Here's the basic structure of dplyr in action

data %>%           # Start with data, and THEN
     VERB1 %>%     # Do VERB1, (and THEN)
     VERB2 %>% ... # Do VERB2, (and THEN)


ChickWeight dataframe





# Show me the first few rows

#What are the column names again?





From the ChickWeight dataframe, calculate the mean weight and time for each diet





x <- ChickWeight %>%  # Start with ChickWeight
  group_by(Diet) %>%  # Group by Diet
  summarise(          # Get ready to summarise....
    weight.mean = mean(weight), # Mean weight
    time.mean = mean(Time),     # Mean time
    N = n()                     # Number of cases



Common dplyr verbs

| verb| action| example | |:---|:----|:----------------| | filter()| Select rows based on some criteria| filter(age > 40 & sex == "m")| | arrange()| Sort rows| arrange(date, group)| | select()| Select columns (and ignore all others)| select(age, sex)| | rename()| Rename columns| rename(DATE_MONTHS_X24, date)| | mutate()| Add new columns| mutate(height.m = height.cm / 100)| | case_when()| Recode values of a column| sex.n = case_when(sex == 0 ~ "m", sex == 1 ~ "f")| | group_by(), summarise()| Group data and then calculate summary statistics|group_by(treatment) %>% summarise(...) |

To add a column to a dataframe, used mutate()

Add a column called weight_d_time that is weight divided by time


x <- ChickWeight %>%          # Start with the ChickWeight data
      mutate(                 # Create new columns...
            weight_d_time = weight / Time

head(x)   # Print the result

You can create many new columns sequentially

Add a column called weight_d_time that is weight divided by time AND time_d that is time in days

x <- ChickWeight %>%          # Start with the ChickWeight data
      mutate(                 # Create new columns...
            weight_d_time = weight / Time,  # weight_d_time is weight divided by Time
            time_d = Time * 7               # time_d is Time times 7

head(x)   # Print the result

To recode values, use case_when()


data %>%
  var_new = case_when(
    var_old == OLD_A ~ NEW_A,
    var_old == OLD_B ~ NEW_B

For example, in a dataset, the column sex might be coded with 1s and 0s.

You might want to create a new column sex_new where 1 = "female" and 0 = "male":

| sex_car| sex_new| |------:|----:| | 1| "female"| | 0| "male"|



To change the value of 1 to "female", and 0 to "male", you can use case_when():

# Add a column sex_new to data 

data <- data %>% 
        sex_char = case_when(
          sex == 1 ~ "female",
          sex == 0 ~ "male"

You can think about the code above as follows:



More case_when() examples


ChickWeight <- ChickWeight[sample(nrow(ChickWeight)),]

Create a new variable Diet_name which shows Diet in text format. Here is a table of the values

| Diet| Diet_name| |------:|----:| | 1| "fruit"| | 2| "vegetables"| | 3| "meat"| | 4| "grains"|



ChickWeight <- ChickWeight %>%           # Start with the ChickWeight data
                   Diet_name = case_when(
                     Diet == 1 ~ "fruit",
                     Diet == 2 ~ "vegetables",
                     Diet == 3 ~ "meat",
                     Diet == 4 ~ "grains"


head(ChickWeight)   # Print final result!


group_by(), summarise()


Two of the most powerful dplyr verbs are group_by() and summarise().

When you combine these two, you can easily calculate summary statistics across groups of data

Q1: What is the average beard length of pirates on the Jolly Roger and the Slippery Seal?

Q2: How many patients were on each treatment arm, and for each arm, what was the mean success rate for the primary measure full_recovery and the secondary measure feelbetter?



q1 <- pirates %>%
  group_by(ship) %>%
    beard_mean = mean(beardlength)

q2 <- pirates %>%
  group_by(arm) %>%
    N = n(),
    primary_success = mean(full_recovery),
    secondary_success = mean(feelbetter)


Ex: Chick 3

For each Diet, calculate the mean weight

ChickWeight %>%           # Start with the ChickWeight data
  group_by(Diet) %>%      # Group the data by Diet
  summarise(              # Now summarise....
    weight.mean = mean(weight) # Mean weight

You can easily filter data before grouping and summarising

For each time period less than 10, calculate the mean weight

ChickWeight %>%                # Start with the ChickWeight data
  filter(Time < 10) %>%        # Only Time periods less than 10
  group_by(Time) %>%           # Group the data by Diet
  summarise(                   # Now summarise....
    weight.mean = mean(weight) # Mean weight

You can calculate as many summary columns as you want!

For each Diet, calculate the mean weight, maximum time, and the number of chicks on each diet:

ChickWeight %>%           # Start with the ChickWeight data
  group_by(Diet) %>%      # Group the data by Diet
  summarise(              # Now summarise....
    weight.mean = mean(weight), # Mean weight
    time.max = max(Time),       # Max time
    N = n()                     # Number of observations

Other dplyr verbs

| verb| action| example | |:---|:----|:----------------| | sample_n()| Select a random sample of n rows| sample_n(10)| | sample_frac()| Select a random fraction of rows| sample_frac(.20)| | first(), last()| Give the first (or last) observation| first(), last()|

Getting random values from a dataframe with sample_n()

Give me a random sample of 10 rows from the ChickWeight dataframe, but only show me the values for Chick and weight

# Give me a random sample of 10 rows, but only show me columns Chick and weight

ChickWeight %>% 
  select(Chick, weight) %>%



dplyr operations (almost) always return a dataframe which you can assign to a new object:

Send me a text file with the average weight for each time period and nothing else!!



# Create a new object called time_agg

time_agg <- ChickWeight %>%
  group_by(Time) %>%
    weight.mean = mean(weight)

head(time_agg) # Make sure it looks good

# save the aggregated data as a .csv file for my colleague
#write_csv(time_agg, path = "data/time_agg.csv")



dplyr summary

dplyr is great for elegantly performing sequential operations on data.

The 'pipe' operator %>% helps you string multiple objects (like dataframes) and verbs (summarise, order, aggregate...) together.




Basic structure of dplyr commands:

data %>%    # Start with data, AND THEN...
  VERB1 %>% # Do VERB1, AND THEN...
  VERB2 %>% # Do VERB2, AND THEN...
  VERB3 %>% # Do VERB3, AND THEN...
  group_by(x, y) %>%  # Group by variables x, y
      VAR_A_New = fun(X),
      VAR_B_New = fun(Y)





tidyr is a package for 'tidying' data.

'tidying' data means getting it into a different format (usually moving data between rows and columns)




Questions you can answer with tidyr

Right now there are different rows for each patient, I need every patient's data to be in a single row.

Can you restructure the data so data in different columns are shown in a single column?



There are two important functions in tidyr, gather() and spread():


gather(): Move data from columns into many rows




spread(): Move data from several rows into columns



therbootcamp/BaselRBootcamp2017 documentation built on May 3, 2019, 10:45 p.m.