Man pages for therimalaya/simulatr
Simulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data

AppSimrelSimulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
bisimrelSimulation of Multivariate Linear Model data with response
cov_matExtract various sigma matrices
cov_plot_dataPrepare data for Plotting Covariance Matrix
cov_xyCovariance between X and Y
cov_zwCovariance between Z and W
cov_zyCovariance between Z and Y
expect_subsetExtra test functions
ggsimrelplotSimulation Plot with ggplot: The true beta, relevant...
mbrdFunction to create MBR-design.
mbrdsimA function to set up a design for a given set of factors with...
msimSimulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
multisimrelSimulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
parse_parmSome helper function for simulation
pipePipe operator
plot_betaPlotting Functions
plot_covPlotting Covariance Matrix
plot_covariancePlot Covariance between predictor (components) and response...
plot_simrelA wrapper function for a simrel object
prepare_designPrepare design for experiment from a list of simulation...
simrelSimulation of Multivariate Linear Model Data
simrelplotSimulation Plot: The true beta, relevant component and eigen...
tidy_betaTidy Functions to make plotting easy
tidy_lambdaExtract Eigenvalues of predictors
tidy_sigmaTidy covariance matrix
unisimrelFunction for data simulation
therimalaya/simulatr documentation built on Nov. 20, 2022, 2:49 p.m.