
## #################
## # fstat function
## #################
## #
## # Wrapper for fst estimator from hierfstat package
## #

## fstat <- function(x, pop=NULL, fstonly=FALSE){
##     message("Sorry, this function depends on hierfstat, and has been moved to the package hierfstat.")
##     return()
##     ## ## cat("\nSorry, hierfstat package has been disabled - this function will be restored in a future release.\n")
##     ## ## return(invisible())
##     ## ## misc checks
##     ## if(!is.genind(x)) stop("x is not a valid genind object")
##     ## ## if(!require(hierfstat)) stop("hierfstat package is required. Please install it.")
##     ## if(x@ploidy != as.integer(2)) stop("not implemented for non-diploid genotypes")
##     ## checkType(x)

##     ## if(is.null(pop)) pop <- x@pop
##     ## if(is.null(pop)) stop("no pop factor provided")
##     ## if(length(pop)!=nrow(x@tab)) stop("pop has a wrong length.")

##     ## ## computations
##     ## dat <- genind2hierfstat(x)[,-1]
##     ## res <- varcomp.glob(levels=data.frame(pop), loci=dat)$F

##     ## if(fstonly) {res <- res[1,1]}
##     ## return(res)
## }

## ###############
## ## pairwise.fst
## ###############
## ##
## ## pairwise fst sensu Nei (Ht - mean(Hs))/Ht
## ##
## pairwise.fst <- function(x, pop=NULL, res.type=c("dist","matrix"), truenames=TRUE){
##     message("This function has been moved to the package hierfstat. You can still use it in adegenet, but this version is deprecated.")
##     ## MISC CHECKS ##
##     if(!is.genind(x)) stop("x is not a valid genind object")
##     if(!is.null(pop)){
##         pop(x) <- pop
##     }
##     temp <- pop(x)
##     if(is.null(temp)) stop("no grouping factor (pop) provided")
##     if(length(levels(temp)) < 2){
##         warning("There is only one pop - returning NULL")
##         return(NULL)
##     }

##     res.type <- match.arg(res.type)

##     ## COMPUTATIONS ##

##     ## function to compute one Fst ##
##     f1 <- function(pop1, pop2){ # pop1 and pop2 are genind obj. with a single pop each
##         n1 <- nrow(pop1@tab)
##         n2 <- nrow(pop2@tab)
##         temp <- repool(pop1,pop2)
##         b <- weighted.mean(Hs(temp), c(n1,n2)) # mean Hs is weighted for pop sizes
##         pop(temp) <- NULL
##         a <- Hs(temp)
##         return((a-b)/a)
##     }

##     ## compute pairwise Fst for all pairs
##     lx <- seppop(x,treatOther=FALSE)
##     temp <- pop(x)
##     levPop <- levels(temp)
##     allPairs <- combn(1:length(levPop), 2)
##     if(!is.matrix(allPairs)){
##         allPairs <- matrix(allPairs,nrow=2)
##     }

##     vecRes <- numeric()
##     for(i in 1:ncol(allPairs)){
##         vecRes[i] <- f1(lx[[allPairs[1,i]]], lx[[allPairs[2,i]]])
##     }

##     squelres <- dist(1:length(levPop))
##     res <- vecRes
##     attributes(res) <- attributes(squelres)

##     if(res.type=="matrix"){
##         res <- as.matrix(res)
##         lab <- popNames(x)

##         colnames(res) <- rownames(res) <- lab
##     }

##     return(res)
## } # end of pairwise.fst
thibautjombart/adegenet documentation built on Feb. 9, 2023, 5:50 p.m.