Man pages for thirdwing/nimble
Flexible BUGS-compatible system for hierarchical statistical modeling and algorithm development

asRowTurn a numeric vector into a single-row or single-column...
BUGSdeclClass-classBUGSdeclClass contains the information extracted from one...
buildMCEMBuilds an MCEM algorithm from a given NIMBLE model
buildMCMCCreate an MCMC function, from an MCMCspec object
buildParticleFilternimbleFunction for a basic particle filter
calculatecalculate, simulate, or get the current log probabilities...
compileNimblecompile NIMBLE models and nimbleFunctions
configureMCMCTurn BUGS model code into an object for use in 'nimbleModel'...
decideMakes the Metropolis-Hastings acceptance decision, based upon...
decideAndJumpCreates a nimbleFunction for executing the...
declareExplicitly declare a variable in run-time code of a...
getNimbleProjectreturn the nimble project, if any, associated with a model or...
getsizeReturns number of rows of modelValues
hasBracketDetermine if a piece of code contains a '['
MCMCspec-classClass 'MCMCspec'
MCMCsuite-classClass 'MCMCsuite'
modelBaseClass-classClass 'modelBaseClass'
modelDefClass-classClass for NIMBLE model definition
modelValuesCreate a NIMBLE modelValues Object
modelValuesBaseClass-classClass 'modelValuesBaseClass'
modelValuesSpecCreate the specs for a custom NIMBLE modelValues Object
nfMethodaccess a member function (or method) of a nimbleFunction
nfVarAccess or set a member variable of a nimbleFunction created...
nimbleCodeTurn BUGS model code into an object for use in 'nimbleModel'...
nimbleDimreturn sizes of an object whether it is a vector, matrix or...
nimbleFunctioncreate a nimbleFunction
nimbleFunctionVirtualcreate a virtual nimbleFunction, a base class for other...
nimble-internalFunctions and Classes Internal to NIMBLE
nimbleModelCreate a NIMBLE BUGS model
nimbleOptionsoptions used for NIMBLE package
nimble-packageWhat the package does (short line)
nimCopyCopying function for NIMBLE
nimPrintprint function for use in nimbleFunctions, where it is...
nodeInfoClass-classnodeInfoClass contains information for a node
rankSampleGenerates a weighted sample (with replacement) of ranks
rcpp_hello_worldSimple function using Rcpp
readBUGSmodelCreate a NIMBLE BUGS model from a variety of input formats,...
resizeResizes a modelValues object
setAndCalculateCreates a nimbleFunction for setting the values of one or...
setAndCalculateOneCreates a nimbleFunction for setting the value of a scalar...
setSizeset the size of a numeric variable in NIMBLE
simNodesBasic nimbleFunctions for calculate, simulate, and getLogProb...
simNodesMVBasic nimbleFunctions for using a NIMBLE model with sets of...
testBUGSmodelTests BUGS examples in the NIMBLE system
valuesAccess values for a set of nodes in a model
thirdwing/nimble documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:41 a.m.