Man pages for thk686/mvcwt
Wavelet analysis of multiple time series

contour.mvcwtMake contour plot of a 'mvcwt' object
image.mvcwtDraw a heatmap of a 'mvcwt' object
lrlakeLittle Rock Lake zooplankton dataset
MorletThe Morlet function
mvcwtComputes the wavelet transform of a multivariate time series
mvcwt-packageWavelet transform of multivariate time series
plot.mvcwtPlot wavelet output
utilsUtility functions
wmrCompute the wavelet modulus ratio of multivariate data
wmr.bootBoot strap p-values for wavelet modulus ratio
thk686/mvcwt documentation built on May 31, 2019, 10:43 a.m.