Man pages for thlytras/FluMoDL
Influenza-Attributable Mortality with Distributed-Lag Models

addPredictionsAdd predictions to summary.FluMoDL objects
attrdlAttributable risk from distributed lag nonlinear models
attrMortInfluenza- and temperature-attributable mortality for a...
blup.FluMoDLGet or set BLUP coefficients for a FluMoDL object
fitFluMoDLFit a FluMoDL object
greeceGreece mortality and influenza data
hasPeriodicDoes object include a periodic B-spline term?
hasRSVDoes object have a term for RSV?
isoweekCalculate the ISO week & year for a Date
isoweekStartCalculate the start date of a given ISO week
linterpLinearly interpolate missing values in a numeric vector
metaFluMoDLMultivariate meta-analysis for FluMoDL objects
NOAA_allStationsGet list of weather stations from NOAA
NOAA_getGSODGet daily weather summaries from NOAA
pbsPeriodic B-Spline Basis for Polynomial Splines
pooledGet pooled effect estimates from metaFluMoDL object
predict.FluMoDLPredict method for FluMoDL objects
summary.FluMoDLSummary method for FluMoDL objects
thlytras/FluMoDL documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 10:06 a.m.