Man pages for thomasWeise/bookbuildeR
An R Package for Building Books or Documents using pandoc

bookbuildeR.mainInvoke the bookBuildeR Tool Chain
calibre.azw3Use Calibre to Generate awz3 from epub
code.listingRead Code from a File according to Parameters given as...
code.loadRead Code from a File according to Parameters given as...
code.readRead Code from a File
git.cloneA Command for Cloning a Git Repository into a New Temporary...
index.htmlGenerate an 'index.html' File
meta.commitGet the Commit Identifier from the Environment
metadata.getExtract YAML Metadata from a Text
metadata.getCodeRepoGet the source code repository if any is specified in the...
metadata.hasBibliographyCheck if a bibliography is specified in the metadata
meta.dateGet the Current Date
meta.repositoryGet the Repository Identifier from the Environment
meta.timeGet the Current Date and Time
meta.yearGet the Current Year
pandoc.epubInvoke Pandoc to Produce an Electronic Book
pandoc.htmlInvoke Pandoc to Produce a 'HTML-5' File
pandoc.invokeInvoke Pandoc
pandoc.latexInvoke Pandoc to Produce a 'pdf' via LaTeX
preprocess.commandPre-process a text with regular expression that contains at...
preprocess.command.regexpCreate a Regular Expression for a LaTeX-Style Command
preprocess.docPre-Process a Document File
preprocess.inputRecursively Load a Directory Structure
preprocess.plainExpand the Simple Commands in via Regular Expressions
preprocess.regexpPre-process a text with regular expression that contains no...
preprocess.repoPre-Process the Code Repository
preprocess.textblocksProcess all Text Blocks in a Markdown file
r.execExecute the provided R code and return the output
r.sourceExecute the provided R file and return the output
template.loadFind a Template, Load it into the Specified Directory if...
thomasWeise/bookbuildeR documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 6:31 p.m.