Man pages for thomasWeise/dataTransformeR
R Package for Normalizing and Transforming Numerical Data

Transformation.andThen1Chain Two Transformations
Transformation.andThen2Chain a Transformation given by Two Functions and another...
Transformation.applyApply a 'Transformation' to a Data Vector and (Normalize the...
Transformation.applyAllApply All the Provided Transformations
Transformation.applyAll2DApply All the Provided Transformations to a Two-Dimensional...
Transformation.applyDefaultApply All Default Transformations
Transformation.applyDefault2DApply All Default Transformations to a Two-Dimensional...
Transformation-classA Transformation, i.e. a Two-Way Mapping
Transformation.identityCreate an Identity 'TransformedData' Instance
Transformation.identity2DInstantiate a new 'TransformedData2D' Object
Transformation.logLog-Transform and then Normalize a Data Vector
Transformation.logNegatedLog-Transform and then Normalize and Negate a Data Vector
Transformation.makePositiveCreate a Transformation which Shifts all Values of a Data...
Transformation.mapIntervalsCreate a Bijective Mapping between two Intervals
Transformation.newConstruct a new Transformation
Transformation.normalizeNormalize a Data Vector
Transformation.normalizeIntervalCreate a Normalization Transformation
Transformation.normalizeNegatedNormalize a Negated Data Vector
TransformedData2D-classA Dataset Consisting of 'x' and 'y' Data
TransformedData2D.newInstantiate a new 'TransformedData2D' Object
TransformedData-classThe Result of a Single Transformation Step
TransformedData.newInstantiate a new 'TransformedData' Object
TransformedData.selectCreating a Sub-Selection of a Transformed Dataset Instance.
TransformedData.select1DSelect a Sub-Set of a 'TransformedData' Instance
TransformedData.select2DSelect a Sub-Set of a 'TransformedData2D' Instance
thomasWeise/dataTransformeR documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:03 a.m.