Man pages for thomasWeise/plotteR
An R Package with Utilities for Graphics and Plots

batchPlot.3dPlot 3D Data
batchPlot.groupsPlot a Set of Curve Groups from a List of Data Groups
batchPlot.listPlot a Set of Curves from a List of Data
colors.distinctGet 'n' Distinct Colors
func.ecdfCreate an ECDF Function
func.ertCreate an ERT Function
func.ertEcdfCreate an ECDF Function over ERTs
lineTypes.distinctCreate a List of Distinct Line Tpes of Length 'n'
plot.colorsPlot a Vector of Colors so that we can see if they are unique
plot.func.ecdfPlot ECDF Functions
plot.func.ertPlot ERT Functions
plot.func.ertEcdfPlot ERT-ECDF Functions
plot.ganttPlot a Gantt Chart
plots.arrangeFind a Proper Numbers of Rows and Columns for 'n' Plots
plots.pleasing.sizeCompute a Pleasing Plot Size
plots.sizeSuggest Proper Width and Height for a Graphic with a Certain...
rgb2gray.luminosityConvert a RGB Color to Gray Scale using Luminosity Weights
rgb.scale.luminosityScale the Luminosity of a Color
symbols.distinctCreate a List of Distinct Symbols of Length 'n'
thomasWeise/plotteR documentation built on May 29, 2019, 5:41 a.m.