Man pages for thomasblanchet/gpinter
Generalized Pareto Interpolation

add_one_pointAdd one point in order to satisfy monotonicity constraint
add_two_pointsAdd two points in order to satisfy monotonicity constraint
addup_distAdd up two components of income or wealth
basis_functions_cubic_splineBasis functions for the cubic spline
basis_functions_quintic_splineBasis functions for the quintic spline
bottom_averageBottom average for generalized Pareto interpolation
bottom_shareBottom share for generalized Pareto interpolation
bracket_averageBracket average for generalized Pareto interpolation
bracket_shareBracket share for generalized Pareto interpolation
central_derivativeEstimate the value of a derivative on an irregular grid using...
clamped1_quintic_spline_noderivEstimate natural quintic spline with unknown first...
clamped2_quintic_spline_noderivEstimate natural quintic spline with unknown first...
clamped_cubic_splineEstimate a natural cubic spline with first derivative clamped...
clamped_quintic_splineEstimate a quintic spline known first derivatives with second...
clean_input_sharesClean (and check) the inputs for 'shares_fit'
clean_input_tabulationClean (and check) the inputs for 'tabulation_fit'
clean_input_thresholdsClean (and check) the inputs for 'threshold_fit'
cns_one_pointMonotonicity constraints with one additional point
cns_two_pointsMonotonicity constraints with two additional points
cubic_splineCubic spline function
decompose_populationDecompose population origin by percentile in a merged...
deriv2_quintic_splineSecond derivative of the quintic spline function
deriv3_quintic_splineThird derivative of the quintic spline function
deriv_cubic_splineFirst derivative of the cubic spline function
deriv_phiDerivative of the interpolation function from generalized...
deriv_quintic_splineFirst derivative of the quintic spline function
distance_one_pointDistance between spline and spline perturbated by one point
distance_splineDistance between two quintic splines
distance_two_pointsDistance between spline and spline perturbated by two points
fitted_cdfCumulative distribution function for generalized Pareto...
fitted_densityProbability density function for generalized Pareto...
fitted_quantileQuantile function for generalized Pareto interpolation
gCubic spline function
gd1First derivative of the cubic spline function
generate_tabulationGenerate a tabulation of a distribution
giniGini coefficient
gpd_bottom_cdfCumulative density function of the generalized Pareto...
gpd_bottom_densityDensity function of the generalized Pareto distribution in...
gpd_bottom_deriv_phiDerivative of the interpolation function below the first...
gpd_bottom_meanTruncated average function of the generalized Pareto...
gpd_bottom_parametersEstimate parameters of the parameters of the generalized...
gpd_bottom_phiInterpolation function below the first bracket
gpd_bottom_quantileQuantile function of the generalized Pareto distribution in...
gpd_top_cdfCumulative density function of the generalized Pareto...
gpd_top_densityDensity function of the generalized Pareto distribution in...
gpd_top_deriv_phiDerivative of the interpolation function in the last bracket
gpd_top_meanTruncated average function of the generalized Pareto...
gpd_top_parametersEstimate parameters of the parameters of the generalized...
gpd_top_phiInterpolation function in the last bracket
gpd_top_quantileQuantile function of the generalized Pareto distribution in...
gumbel_cond_quantileConditional quantile function of the Gumbel copula
hQuintic spline function
hd1First derivative of the quintic spline function
hd2Second derivative of the quintic spline function
hd3Third derivative of the quintic spline function
hist_cdfCDF for histogram density
hist_deriv_phiDerivative of Pareto interpolation function for histogram...
hist_interpolHistogram interpolation
hist_lorenzNon-normalized Lorenz curve for histogram density
hist_phiPareto interpolation function for histogram density
hist_quantileQuantile function for histogram density
individualize_distIndividualize a distribution
interpolation_error_bound_consBound on the interpolation error for a constant phi"'
interpolation_error_bound_nonconsBound on the interpolation error for a non constant phi"'
interpolation_error_nonconsValue of the interpolation error for a non constant phi"'
invparetoInverted Pareto coefficients for generalized Pareto...
is_increasingCheck of monotonicity constraint
is_increasing_fastFast check of monotonicity constraint
is_increasing_slow“Slow” check of monotonicity constraint
kernelPeano kernel
kernel_interpolation_paramParameters of the spline interpolating the Peano kernel
kernel_value_errorInterpolation error on the kernel
left_derivativeEstimate the value of the left-derivative on an irregular...
merge_distMerge the distribution from different countries
mono_cnsMonotonicity constraint for the quantile function
natural_quintic_splineEstimate natural quintic spline with known first derivatives
natural_quintic_spline_noderivEstimate natural quintic spline with unknown first...
phiInterpolation function from generalized Pareto interpolation
plot_cdfCumulative density plot
plot_densityProbability density plot
plot_deriv_phiPlot of the derivative of the interpolation function
plot_gpcGeneralized Pareto curve plot
plot_histHistogram plot
plot_lorenzLorenz plot
plot_phiInterpolation function plot
plot_quantileQuantile density plot
plot_tailTail function plot
quintic_splineQuintic spline function
right_derivativeEstimate the value of the right-derivative on an irregular...
run_appRun the Shiny application in the web browser
second_derivativeEstimate the value of the second derivative on an irregular...
shares_fitFit a nonparametric distribution on tabulated data without...
simulate_gpinterSimulate data
supportSupport of a distribution estimated via generalized Pareto...
tabulation_fitFit a nonparametric distribution on tabulated data
tensionTension of several splines
tension_gradGradient of the tension of several splines
tension_splineTension of a quintic spline
thresholds_fitFit a nonparametric distribution on tabulated data with...
threshold_shareShare above a threshold
top_averageTop average for generalized Pareto interpolation
top_shareTop share for generalized Pareto interpolation
thomasblanchet/gpinter documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 3:11 p.m.