MainTrail <- sf::st_linestring(matrix(c(286400, 583130, 286400, 583250, 286655, 583250, 286655, 583130, 286400, 583130) # the return ,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)) pol1 <- list(matrix(c(286503, 583134, 286503, 583240, 286507, 583240, 286507, 583134, 286503, 583134) # the return ,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)) pol2 <- list(matrix(c(286650, 583134, 286650, 583240, 286654, 583240, 286654, 583134, 286650, 583134) # the return ,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)) PolList = list(pol1,pol2) #list of lists of numeric matrices ScndTrail <- sf::st_multipolygon(PolList) inventory <- addtreedim(inventorycheckformat(Paracou6_2016), volumeparameters = ForestZoneVolumeParametersTable) inventory <- suppressMessages(treeselection(inventory, objective = 30, scenario ="manual", fuel = "2", diversification = TRUE, specieslax = FALSE, objectivelax = FALSE, topography = DTMParacou, plotslope = PlotSlope, speciescriteria = SpeciesCriteria, advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters())$inventory)
fuel = "2" directionalfelling = "2" advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters() inventory <- directionalfellingsuccessdef( inventory, fuel = fuel, directionalfelling = directionalfelling, advancedloggingparameters = loggingparameters()) # Future/reserve trees to avoid inventory <- createcanopy(inventory) # create all inventory crowns in the 'Crowns' column FutureReserveCrowns <- inventory %>% # create an object with future/reserve crowns only filter(LoggingStatus == "future" | LoggingStatus == "reserve") %>% getgeometry(Crowns) inventory <- inventory %>% dplyr::filter(Selected == "1") %>% dplyr::select(idTree,DBH,TrunkHeight,TreeHeight,CrownHeight, CrownDiameter,Selected, Xutm, Yutm, TreeFellingOrientationSuccess) dat <- inventory[1,]
Trail <- st_union(MainTrail, ScndTrail) # Our trail will be MainTrail or ScndTrail # The crown Crown <- dat %>% mutate(xCrown = Xutm, yCrown = Yutm + TrunkHeight + CrownHeight/2, exCrown = CrownDiameter/2, eyCrown = CrownHeight/2) %>% st_as_sf(coords = c("xCrown", "yCrown")) # ellipse centroid coordinates Crown <- st_ellipse(Crown, Crown$exCrown, Crown$eyCrown) # create the ellipse # The trunk Trunk <- with(dat, st_polygon(list(matrix(c(Xutm-(DBH/100)/2, Yutm, Xutm-(DBH/100)/2, Yutm + TrunkHeight, Xutm+(DBH/100)/2, Yutm + TrunkHeight, Xutm+(DBH/100)/2, Yutm, Xutm-(DBH/100)/2, Yutm) # the return ,ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)))) # Find the point (TrailPt) on the Trail closest to the location of the tree (Foot) Foot <- st_point(c(dat$Xutm,dat$Yutm)) # tree foot point NearestPoints <- st_nearest_points(Foot, Trail) # from the Foot of the tree to the Trail (linestring) NearestPoint <- st_cast(NearestPoints, "POINT") # to have start (Foot) and end (TrailPt) points TrailPt <- NearestPoint[[2]] # the point (TrailPt) on the Trail closest to the location of the tree (Foot) # Compute the angle between the tree default position and the shortest way from the foot to the trail theta <- as.numeric(matlib::angle(c(Foot[1] - Foot[1], dat$TreeHeight), c(TrailPt[1] - Foot[1], TrailPt[2] - Foot[2]), degree = TRUE)) TreefallOrientation <- as.numeric(sample(c(advancedloggingparameters$MinTreefallOrientation: advancedloggingparameters$MaxTreefallOrientation), size = 1)) OppAng <- 180-(90 + TreefallOrientation) # Calculate the two possible crown configurations ACrown <- rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = 180 + OppAng + theta, fixed = Foot) # turned crown BCrown <- rotatepolygon(Crown, angle = 180 - OppAng + theta, fixed = Foot) # turned crown # Test the best to pull the tree back to the main trail (farthest crown from the main trail) ADist <- st_distance(ACrown, MainTrail)[1,1] #matrix to value BDist <- st_distance(BCrown, MainTrail)[1,1] if(min(ADist, BDist) == ADist){ FallenTree <- AFallenTree <- st_difference(st_union( # A configuration rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = 180 + OppAng + theta, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk ACrown # turned crown )) }else{ FallenTree <- BFallenTree <- st_difference(st_union( # B configuration rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = 180 - OppAng + theta, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk BCrown # turned crown )) } remove(pol1, pol2, PolList, NearestPoint, NearestPoints)
# Check intersection with future/reserve trees FRintersect <- 2 if(lengths(FRintersect) > 0) { # if there is an intersection if(FallenTree == AFallenTree){ # if it was A configuration FallenTree <- BFallenTree <- st_difference(st_union( # B configuration rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = 180 - OppAng + theta, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk BCrown # turned crown )) # check intersection for this configuration FRintersect <- sf::st_intersects(BFallenTree, FutureReserveCrowns) if(lengths(FRintersect) > 0) { # if there is an intersection. if not FallenTree stay BFallenTree FallenTree <- AFallenTree # we prefer 1st configuration (the best for winching) } }else if(FallenTree == BFallenTree){ # if it was B configuration FallenTree <- AFallenTree <- st_difference(st_union( # A configuration rotatepolygon(Trunk, angle = 180 + OppAng + theta, fixed = Foot), # turned trunk ACrown # turned crown )) # check intersection for this configuration FRintersect <- sf::st_intersects(AFallenTree, FutureReserveCrowns) if(lengths(FRintersect) > 0) { # if there is an intersection. if not FallenTree stay AFallenTree FallenTree <- BFallenTree # we prefer 1st configuration (the best for winching) } } } FallenTree == AFallenTree FallenTree == BFallenTree
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