
#' Table of tree volume parameters by forest zone in French Guiana
#' Parameters of the tree volume table used to compute the harvestable volume
#'  of each tree, depending on its geographic zone
#'  (Source: "Guide de Sylviculture", ONF ('Office National des ForĂȘts') of French Guiana, 2014)
#' @format A tibble with 12 rows and 4 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Forest}{Guyafor site name (character)}
#'   \item{Zone}{Geographic zone (character)}
#'   \item{aCoef}{coefficient of the equation: Volume = aCoef + bCoef * DBH^2 (numeric)}
#'   \item{bCoef}{coefficient of the equation: Volume = aCoef + bCoef * DBH^2 (numeric)}

#'   ...
#' }
thomasgaquiere/Maria documentation built on Dec. 24, 2021, 1:20 a.m.