
#' Maria-package
#' Logging simulator
#' This package allows to simulate the different low impact logging versions in French Guiana.
#' The Maria package provides n functions:
#' treeselection,  and .
#' @name Maria
#' @docType package
#' @section Maria functions:
#' loggingsimulation
#' loggingparameters
#' scenariosparameters
#' inventorycheckformat
#' addtreedim
#' treeselection
#' ONFGuyafortaxojoin
#' harvestable
#' selected
#' futurereserve
#' treefelling
#' createcanopy
#' treefromthesk
#' directionalfellingsuccessdef
#' felling1tree
#' rotatepolygon
#' getgeometry
#' timberharvestedvolume
#' exploitablefuelwoodvolume
thomasgaquiere/Maria documentation built on Dec. 24, 2021, 1:20 a.m.