  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

This guide is intended as a short introduction to the fawkes package. By the end of this guide you should know the most basic functionality of the package and be ready to explore further with your own plots and artwork.


To kick things off we will load the library:


If this is your first time using fawkes you will need to install the Python interface to AxiDraw. This can be done very simply from the package:


After that you should be good to go. One thing that you may one to do, however, is to register the size of your AxiDraw machine. By default the Python interface will assume you have an A4 version and clip any commands that takes the head outside of that area. If you have a larger version this will result in some very odd plots. Because this setting is something that is often set on a permanent basis (few of us have multiple different AxiDraw machines to switch between), it can be set as an option and just forget about:

# Put this in your .Rprofile file to make it permanent
options(fawkes.model = 'A3')

Package overview

fawkes comes with a bunch of different tools and operating modes. While this guide will mainly focus on using fawkes as a graphic device we will give a brief overview of some of the other tools here:

Manual control

You can control the AxiDraw completely manually, if you so desire, by creating a manual connection with the axi_manual() function:

ad <- axi_manual()

The returned object is an R6 object with different methods attached, such as move_to(), pen_up(), line_rel(), etc. See the documentation for axi_manual() to get a complete overview of it. The manual control is what drives most of the additional features in fawkes (e.g. the device capabilities).

SVG rendering

While I would argue that the main reason for using fawkes is to use it to draw R graphics with it, fawkes also contains a function that takes an SVG file and draws it. Have a look at axi_svg() to get an overview of the different options and possibilities. The functionality is a very direct wrapper around the SVG drawing capabilities in the Python interface. Because of this the API and capabilities are not comparable with the graphic device provided by fawkes. If you want to use the graphic device to render an SVG (e.g. to get better control over hatching etc) have a look at the gridSVG package for rendering SVG through R graphics.


There are a couple of small utility functions that you may end up using a lot during the course of working with fawkes. axi_align() will raise the pen and turn the motor off, allowing you to freely move the head around (most often to move it to the start position). axi_pen_test() will allow you to test different settings for a single pen, both when it comes to tip size, overlap, and different AxiDraw settings such as movement speed, delay, etc. The function will draw a small icon showing both a filled shape and a thick line. axi_pen_align() will allow you to test different offset settings between two pens by overlaying an x and a + from the different pens at different offsets. This is an important feature if you want to mix pens with different barrel size.

Using fawkes as a graphic device

fawkes comes with two different graphic devices to use. axi_dev() will open up a device that continually sends instructions to the AxiDraw. While this is certainly a viable approach, I would at all times advice the use of the other device: ghost_dev(). ghost_dev() opens up a device that will collect instructions but not send them off to the AxiDraw. These instructions can be inspected for correctness and plotted at your leisure. During plotting from a ghost_dev() you can pause and rewind the pen if something goes wrong which gives a small window for error correction (pen plotters are quite unforgiving in general). Because of these benefits this guide will focus solemnly on the ghost_dev() device.

Some art to draw

Before we can draw we need something to draw. This should ultimately be something of your own doing, but for this guide we'll make something up to get you started. We'll use the ambient package to create some noise and the isoband package to convert it to contour lines.

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

noise <- long_grid(
  x = seq(-sqrt(2), sqrt(2), length.out = 1000 * sqrt(2)),
  y = seq(-1, 1, length.out = 1000)
) %>% 
    noise = fracture(gen_perlin, fbm, octaves = 3, x = x, y = y),
    rings = gen_waves(x = x, y = y, frequency = 0.2),
    full = noise * rings
  ) %>% 

thomasp85/fawkes documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 8:41 a.m.