
control_race bad arg passing

Argument 'verbose' should be a single logical value in `control_race()`
Argument 'verbose' should be a single logical value in `control_race()`
Argument 'verbose_elim' should be a single logical value in `control_race()`
Argument 'verbose_elim' should be a single logical value in `control_race()`
Argument 'save_pred' should be a single logical value in `control_race()`
Argument 'save_pred' should be a single logical value in `control_race()`
Argument 'save_workflow' should be a single logical value in `control_race()`
Argument 'save_workflow' should be a single logical value in `control_race()`
Argument 'burn_in' should be a single numeric value in `control_race()`
Argument 'burn_in' should be a single numeric value in `control_race()`
`burn_in` should be at least two.
Argument 'num_ties' should be a single numeric value in `control_race()`
Argument 'num_ties' should be a single numeric value in `control_race()`
Argument 'alpha' should be a single numeric value in `control_race()`
Argument 'alpha' should be a single numeric value in `control_race()`
`alpha` should be on (0, 1).
Argument 'pkgs' should be a character or NULL in `control_race()`
Argument 'extract' should be a function or NULL in `control_race()`

casting control_race to control_grid

  parsnip::condense_control(control_race(), control_grid())
  grid/resamples control object

tidymodels/finetune documentation built on March 23, 2024, 6:50 p.m.