Man pages for tidymodels/workflows
Modeling Workflows

add_case_weightsAdd case weights to a workflow
add_formulaAdd formula terms to a workflow
add_modelAdd a model to a workflow
add_recipeAdd a recipe to a workflow
add_tailorAdd a tailor to a workflow
add_variablesAdd variables to a workflow
augment.workflowAugment data with predictions
control_workflowControl object for a workflow
extract-workflowExtract elements of a workflow
fit-workflowFit a workflow object
glance.workflowGlance at a workflow model
is_trained_workflowDetermine if a workflow has been trained
predict-workflowPredict from a workflow
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
tidy.workflowTidy a workflow
workflowCreate a workflow
workflow-butcherButcher methods for a workflow
workflow-extractorsExtract elements of a workflow
workflows-internalsInternal workflow functions
workflows-packageworkflows: Modeling Workflows
tidymodels/workflows documentation built on Aug. 29, 2024, 3:38 a.m.