Man pages for tidyverse/dbplyr
A 'dplyr' Back End for Databases

arrange.tbl_lazyArrange rows by column values
backend-accessBackend: MS Access
backend-hanaBackend: SAP HANA
backend-hiveBackend: Hive
backend-impalaBackend: Impala
backend-mssqlBackend: SQL server
backend-mysqlBackend: MySQL/MariaDB
backend-odbcBackend: ODBC
backend-oracleBackend: Oracle
backend-postgresBackend: PostgreSQL
backend-redshiftBackend: Redshift
backend-snowflakeBackend: Snowflake
backend-spark-sqlBackend: Databricks Spark SQL
backend-sqliteBackend: SQLite
backend-teradataBackend: Teradata
build_sqlBuild a SQL string.
collapse.tbl_sqlCompute results of a query
complete.tbl_lazyComplete a SQL table with missing combinations of data
copy_inlineUse a local data frame in a dbplyr query
copy_to.src_sqlCopy a local data frame to a remote database
count.tbl_lazyCount observations by group
db-ioDatabase I/O generics
db-miscMiscellaneous database generics
dbplyr-packagedbplyr: A 'dplyr' Back End for Databases
dbplyr-sliceSubset rows using their positions
dbplyr_uncount"Uncount" a database table
db-quoteSQL escaping/quoting generics
db-sqlSQL generation generics
distinct.tbl_lazySubset distinct/unique rows
do.tbl_sqlPerform arbitrary computation on remote backend
escapeEscape/quote a string.
expand.tbl_lazyExpand SQL tables to include all possible combinations of...
fill.tbl_lazyFill in missing values with previous or next value
filter.tbl_lazySubset rows using column values
get_returned_rowsExtract and check the 'RETURNING' rows
group_by.tbl_lazyGroup by one or more variables
head.tbl_lazySubset the first rows
identFlag a character vector as SQL identifiers
ident_qDeclare a identifier as being pre-quoted.
in_schemaRefer to a table in another schema/catalog
intersect.tbl_lazySQL set operations
is_table_pathTable paths
join.tbl_sqlJoin SQL tables
lahmanCache and retrieve an 'src_sqlite' of the Lahman baseball...
lazy_opsLazy operations
memdb_frameCreate a database table in temporary in-memory database.
mutate.tbl_lazyCreate, modify, and delete columns
named_commasProvides comma-separated string out of the parameters
nycflights13Database versions of the nycflights13 data
partial_evalPartially evaluate an expression.
pivot_longer.tbl_lazyPivot data from wide to long
pivot_wider.tbl_lazyPivot data from long to wide
pull.tbl_sqlExtract a single column
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remote_nameMetadata about a remote table
replace_na.tbl_lazyReplace NAs with specified values
rows-dbEdit individual rows in the underlying database table
select.tbl_lazySubset, rename, and reorder columns using their names
simulate_dbiSimulate database connections
sqlSQL escaping.
sql_buildBuild and render SQL from a sequence of lazy operations
sql_exprGenerate SQL from R expressions
sql_optionsOptions for generating SQL
sql_query_insertGenerate SQL for Insert, Update, Upsert, and Delete
sql_quoteHelper function for quoting sql elements.
sql_variantCreate an sql translator
src_dbiDatabase src
src_sqlCreate a "sql src" object
summarise.tbl_lazySummarise each group to one row
tbl_lazyCreate a local lazy tibble
tbl_sqlCreate an SQL tbl (abstract)
tbl.src_dbiUse dplyr verbs with a remote database table
testingInfrastructure for testing dplyr
translate_sqlTranslate an expression to SQL
window_orderOverride window order and frame
win_overGenerate SQL expression for window functions
tidyverse/dbplyr documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 8:58 a.m.