dplyr-locale: Locale used by 'arrange()'

dplyr-localeR Documentation

Locale used by arrange()


This page documents details about the locale used by arrange() when ordering character vectors.

Default locale

The default locale used by arrange() is the C locale. This is used when .locale = NULL unless the dplyr.legacy_locale global option is set to TRUE. You can also force the C locale to be used unconditionally with .locale = "C".

The C locale is not exactly the same as English locales, such as "en". The main difference is that the C locale groups the English alphabet by case, while most English locales group the alphabet by letter. For example, c("a", "b", "C", "B", "c") will sort as c("B", "C", "a", "b", "c") in the C locale, with all uppercase letters coming before lowercase letters, but will sort as c("a", "b", "B", "c", "C") in an English locale. This often makes little practical difference during data analysis, because both return identical results when case is consistent between observations.


The C locale has the benefit of being completely reproducible across all supported R versions and operating systems with no extra effort.

If you set .locale to an option from stringi::stri_locale_list(), then stringi must be installed by anyone who wants to run your code. If you utilize this in a package, then stringi should be placed in Imports.

Legacy behavior

Prior to dplyr 1.1.0, character columns were ordered in the system locale. If you need to temporarily revert to this behavior, you can set the global option dplyr.legacy_locale to TRUE, but this should be used sparingly and you should expect this option to be removed in a future version of dplyr. It is better to update existing code to explicitly use .locale instead. Note that setting dplyr.legacy_locale will also force calls to group_by() to use the system locale when internally ordering the groups.

Setting .locale will override any usage of dplyr.legacy_locale.


df <- tibble(x = c("a", "b", "C", "B", "c"))

# Default locale is C, which groups the English alphabet by case, placing
# uppercase letters before lowercase letters.
arrange(df, x)

# The American English locale groups the alphabet by letter.
# Explicitly override `.locale` with `"en"` for this ordering.
arrange(df, x, .locale = "en")

# This Danish letter is expected to sort after `z`
df <- tibble(x = c("o", "p", "\u00F8", "z"))

# The American English locale sorts it right after `o`
arrange(df, x, .locale = "en")

# Using `"da"` for Danish ordering gives the expected result
arrange(df, x, .locale = "da")

# If you need the legacy behavior of `arrange()`, which respected the
# system locale, then you can set the global option `dplyr.legacy_locale`,
# but expect this to be removed in the future. We recommend that you use
# the `.locale` argument instead.
rlang::with_options(dplyr.legacy_locale = TRUE, {
  arrange(df, x)

tidyverse/dplyr documentation built on Feb. 22, 2025, 5:44 p.m.