
a warning is generated when guides are drawn at a location that doesn't make sense

Position guide is perpendicular to the intended axis.
i Did you mean to specify a different guide `position`?

a warning is generated when more than one position guide is drawn at a location

`guide_axis()`: Discarding guide on merge.
i Do you have more than one guide with the same `position`?

Using non-position guides for position scales results in an informative error

`guide_legend()` cannot be used for x, xmin, xmax, or xend.
i Use any non position aesthetic instead.

guide_axis_logticks calculates appropriate ticks

The `prescale.base` argument will override the scale's log-10 transformation in log-tick positioning.

tidyverse/ggplot2 documentation built on Jan. 29, 2025, 6:53 a.m.