layer_positions: Layer position adjustments

layer_positionsR Documentation

Layer position adjustments


In ggplot2, a plot is constructed by adding layers to it. In addition to geoms and stats, position adjustments are the third required part of a layer. The 'position' part of a layer is responsible for dodging, jittering and nudging groups of data to minimise their overlap, or otherwise tweaking their positions.

For example if you add position = position_nudge(x = 1) to a layer, you can offset every x-position by 1. For many layers, the default position adjustment is position_identity(), which performs no adjustment.

Specifying positions

There are 4 ways in which the 'position' part of a layer can be specified.

1. A layer can have default position adjustments
geom_jitter() # has `position = "jitter"`

2. It can be given to a layer as a string
geom_point(position = "jitter")

3. The position function can be used to pass extra arguments
geom_point(position = position_jitter(width = 1))

4. It can be given to `layer()` directly
  geom = "point",
  stat = "identity",
  position = "jitter"

These ways are not always equivalent. Some layers may not understand what to do with a position adjustment, and require additional parameters passed through the ⁠position_*()⁠ function, or may not work correctly. For example position_dodge() requires non-overlapping x intervals, whereas geom_point() doesn't have dimensions to calculate intervals for. To give positions as a string, take the function name, and remove the position_ prefix, such that position_fill becomes "fill".

Pairing geoms with positions

Some geoms work better with some positions than others. Below follows a brief overview of geoms and position adjustments that work well together.


position_identity() can work with virtually any geom.


position_dodge() pushes overlapping objects away from one another and requires a group variable. position_dodge2() can work without group variables and can handle variable widths. As a rule of thumb, layers where groups occupy a range on the x-axis pair well with dodging. If layers have no width, you may be required to specify it manually with position_dodge(width = ...). Some geoms that pair well with dodging are geom_bar(), geom_boxplot(), geom_linerange(), geom_errorbar() and geom_text().


position_jitter() adds a some random noise to every point, which can help with overplotting. position_jitterdodge() does the same, but also dodges the points. As a rule of thumb, jittering works best when points have discrete x-positions. Jittering is most useful for geom_point(), but can also be used in geom_path() for example.


position_nudge() can add offsets to x- and y-positions. This can be useful for discrete positions where you don't want to put an object exactly in the middle. While most useful for geom_text(), it can be used with virtually all geoms.


position_stack() is useful for displaying data on top of one another. It can be used for geoms that are usually anchored to the x-axis, for example geom_bar(), geom_area() or geom_histogram().


position_fill() can be used to give proportions at every x-position. Like stacking, filling is most useful for geoms that are anchored to the x-axis, like geom_bar(), geom_area() or geom_histogram().

Under the hood

Internally, positions are represented as ggproto classes that occupy a slot in a layer. All these classes inherit from the parental Position ggproto object that orchestrates how positions work. Briefly, positions are given the opportunity to adjust the data of each facet panel. For more information about extending positions, see the New positions section of the online book.

See Also

For an overview of all position adjustments, see the online reference.

Other layer documentation: layer(), layer_geoms, layer_stats

tidyverse/ggplot2 documentation built on Feb. 27, 2025, 10:29 a.m.