deprecated-team-drive-functions: Deprecated Team Drive functions

deprecated-team-drive-functionsR Documentation

Deprecated Team Drive functions



Team Drives have been rebranded as shared drives and, as of googledrive v2.0.0, all ⁠team_drive_*()⁠ functions have been deprecated, in favor of ⁠shared_drive_*()⁠ successors.

The changes in googledrive reflect that the Team Drives resource collection has been deprecated in the Drive API v3, in favor of the new (shared) Drives resource collection. Read more


team_drive_find(pattern = NULL, n_max = Inf, ..., verbose = deprecated())

team_drive_get(name = NULL, id = NULL, verbose = deprecated())

team_drive_create(name, verbose = deprecated())

team_drive_rm(team_drive = NULL, verbose = deprecated())

team_drive_update(team_drive, ..., verbose = deprecated())

as_team_drive(x, ...)




Character. If provided, only the items whose names match this regular expression are returned. This is implemented locally on the results returned by the API.


Integer. An upper bound on the number of items to return. This applies to the results requested from the API, which may be further filtered locally, via the pattern argument.


Other parameters to pass along in the request, such as pageSize or useDomainAdminAccess.


Character vector of names. A character vector marked with as_id() is treated as if it was provided via the id argument.


Character vector of shared drive ids or URLs (it is first processed with as_id()). If both name and id are non-NULL, id is silently ignored.


[Deprecated] Google Drive and the Drive API have replaced Team Drives with shared drives.


A vector of shared drive names, a vector of shared drive ids marked with as_id(), a list of Drives resource objects, or a suitable data frame.


A dribble.


An object of class dribble, a tibble with one row per shared drive.

tidyverse/googledrive documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 3:44 a.m.