Man pages for tidyverse/rlang
Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features

abortSignal an error, warning, or message
are_naTest for missing values
arg_matchMatch an argument to a character vector
args_data_maskingArgument type: data-masking
args_dots_emptyHelper for consistent documentation of empty dots
args_dots_usedHelper for consistent documentation of used dots
args_error_contextDocumentation anchor for error arguments
as_boxConvert object to a box
as_closureTransform to a closure
as_data_maskCreate a data mask
as_environmentCoerce to an environment
as_functionConvert to function
as_labelCreate a default name for an R object
as_nameExtract names from symbols
as_stringCast symbol to string
as_utf8_characterCoerce to a character vector and attempt encoding conversion
bare-type-predicatesBare type predicates
boxBox a value
bytes-classHuman readable memory sizes
call2Create a call
call_argsExtract arguments from a call
caller_argFind the caller argument for error messages
call_fnExtract function from a call
call_inspectInspect a call
call_matchMatch supplied arguments to function definition
call_modifyModify the arguments of a call
call_nameExtract function name or namespace of a call
call_standardiseStandardise a call
catch_cndCatch a condition
check_dots_emptyCheck that dots are empty
check_dots_empty0Check that dots are empty (low level variant)
check_dots_unnamedCheck that all dots are unnamed
check_dots_usedCheck that all dots have been used
check_exclusiveCheck that arguments are mutually exclusive
check_requiredCheck that argument is supplied
child_envCreate a child environment
chr_unserialise_unicodeTranslate unicode points to UTF-8
cndCreate a condition object
cnd_inheritsDoes a condition or its ancestors inherit from a class?
cnd_messageBuild an error message from parts
cnd_muffleMuffle a condition
cnd_signalSignal a condition object
cnd_typeWhat type is a condition?
defusing-advancedAdvanced defusal operators
dev-notes-dotsDevelopment notes - 'dots.R'
doneBox a final value for early termination
dot-data'.data' and '.env' pronouns
dots_nHow many arguments are currently forwarded in dots?
dots_spliceSplice lists
dots_valuesEvaluate dots with preliminary splicing
duplicateDuplicate an R object
dyn-dotsDynamic dots features
embrace-operatorEmbrace operator {{
empty_envGet the empty environment
englueDefuse function arguments with glue
enquoDefuse function arguments
entraceAdd backtrace from error handler
envCreate a new environment
env_bindBind symbols to objects in an environment
env_binding_are_activeWhat kind of environment binding?
env_binding_lockLock or unlock environment bindings
env_browseBrowse environments
env_buryMask bindings by defining symbols deeper in a scope
env_cacheCache a value in an environment
env_cloneClone or coalesce an environment
env_depthDepth of an environment chain
env_getGet an object in an environment
env_hasDoes an environment have or see bindings?
env_inheritsDoes environment inherit from another environment?
env_is_user_facingIs frame environment user facing?
env_lockLock an environment
env_nameLabel of an environment
env_namesNames and numbers of symbols bound in an environment
env_parentGet parent environments
env_pokePoke an object in an environment
env_printPretty-print an environment
env_unbindRemove bindings from an environment
env_unlockUnlock an environment
eval_bareEvaluate an expression in an environment
eval_tidyEvaluate an expression with quosures and pronoun support
execExecute a function
exprDefuse an R expression
expr_interpProcess unquote operators in a captured expression
expr_labelTurn an expression to a label
expr_printPrint an expression
exprs_auto_nameEnsure that all elements of a list of expressions are named
faq-optionsGlobal options for rlang
ffi_standalone_types_checkInternal API for standalone-types-check
flattenFlatten or squash a list of lists into a simpler vector
fn_bodyGet or set function body
fn_envReturn the closure environment of a function
fn_fmlsExtract arguments from a function
format_error_bulletsFormat bullets for error messages
format_error_callValidate and format a function call for use in error messages
f_rhsGet or set formula components
friendly_typeFormat a type for error messages
f_textTurn RHS of formula into a string or label
get_envGet or set the environment of an object
global_entraceEntrace unexpected errors
global_handleRegister default global handlers
global_prompt_installPrompt user to install missing packages
glue-operatorsName injection with '"{"' and '"{{"'
has_lengthHow long is an object?
has_nameDoes an object have an element with this name?
inherits_anyDoes an object inherit from a set of classes?
injectInject objects in an R expression
injection-operatorInjection operator !!
interruptSimulate interrupt condition
invokeInvoke a function with a list of arguments
is_callIs object a call?
is_callableIs an object callable?
is_conditionIs object a condition?
is_copyableIs an object copyable?
is_dictionaryishIs a vector uniquely named?
is_emptyIs object an empty vector or NULL?
is_environmentIs object an environment?
is_expressionIs an object an expression?
is_formulaIs object a formula?
is_functionIs object a function?
is_installedAre packages installed in any of the libraries?
is_integerishIs a vector integer-like?
is_interactiveIs R running interactively?
is_langIs object a call?
is_namedIs object named?
is_namespaceIs an object a namespace environment?
is_pairlistIs object a node or pairlist?
is_referenceIs an object referencing another?
is_symbolIs object a symbol?
is_trueIs object identical to TRUE or FALSE?
is_weakrefIs object a weak reference?
langCreate a call
last_errorLast 'abort()' error
last_warningsDisplay last messages and warnings
list2Collect dynamic dots in a list
local_bindingsTemporarily change bindings of an environment
local_error_callSet local error call in an execution environment
local_optionsChange global options
local_use_cliUse cli to format error messages
missingMissing values
missing_argGenerate or handle a missing argument
names2Get names of a vector
names_inform_repairInform about name repair
new_callCreate a new call from components
new_formulaCreate a formula
new_functionCreate a function
new_nodeHelpers for pairlist and language nodes
new_quosureCreate a quosure from components
new_quosuresCreate a list of quosures
new-vectorCreate vectors matching a given length
new_weakrefCreate a weak reference
ns_envGet the namespace of a package
ns_registry_envReturn the namespace registry env
obj_addressAddress of an R object
on_loadRun expressions on load
op-get-attrInfix attribute accessor and setter
op-na-defaultReplace missing values
op-null-defaultDefault value for 'NULL'
pairlist2Collect dynamic dots in a pairlist
parse_exprParse R code
prim_nameName of a primitive function
qq_showShow injected expression
quo_exprSquash a quosure
quo_labelFormat quosures for printing or labelling
quo_squashSquash a quosure
quosure-toolsQuosure getters, setters and predicates
raw_deparse_strSerialize a raw vector to a string
rep_alongCreate vectors matching the length of a given vector
return_fromJump to or from a frame
rlang_backtrace_on_errorDisplay backtrace on error
rlang_errorErrors of class 'rlang_error'
rlang-packagerlang: Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse'...
rlib_trace_specBacktrace specification
scalar-type-predicatesScalar type predicates
scoped_envDeprecated 'scoped' functions
scoped_interactiveDeprecated 'scoped_' functions
search_envsSearch path environments
seq2Increasing sequence of integers in an interval
set_attrsAdd attributes to an object
set_exprSet and get an expression
set_namesSet names of a vector
spliceSplice values at dots collection time
splice-operatorSplice operator !!!
stackGet properties of the current or caller frame
stack-deprecatedCall stack information
stringCreate a string
switch_typeDispatch on base types
symCreate a symbol or list of symbols
topic-condition-customisationCustomising condition messages
topic-condition-formattingFormatting messages with cli
topic-data-maskWhat is data-masking and why do I need {{?
topic-data-mask-ambiguityThe data mask ambiguity
topic-data-mask-programmingData mask programming patterns
topic-defuseDefusing R expressions
topic-double-evaluationThe double evaluation problem
topic-embrace-constantsWhy are strings and other constants enquosed in the empty...
topic-embrace-non-argsDoes {{ work on regular objects?
topic-error-callIncluding function calls in error messages
topic-error-chainingIncluding contextual information with error chains
topic-injectInjecting with !!, !!!, and glue syntax
topic-inject-out-of-contextWhat happens if I use injection operators out of context?
topic-metaprogrammingMetaprogramming patterns
topic-multiple-columnsTaking multiple columns without '...'
topic-quosureWhat are quosures and when are they needed?
trace_backCapture a backtrace
try_fetchTry an expression with condition handlers
type_ofBase type of an object
type-predicatesType predicates
UQDeprecated 'UQ()' and 'UQS()' operators
vec_poke_nPoke values into a vector
vector-coercionCoerce an object to a base type
vector-constructionCreate vectors
with_envEvaluate an expression within a given environment
with_handlersEstablish handlers on the stack
wref_keyGet key/value from a weak reference object
zapCreate zap objects
zap_srcrefZap source references
tidyverse/rlang documentation built on Jan. 26, 2025, 2:12 a.m.