Man pages for tidyverse/tibble
Simple Data Frames

add_columnAdd columns to a data frame
add_rowAdd rows to a data frame
as_tibbleCoerce lists, matrices, and more to data frames
charFormat a character vector
deprecatedDeprecated functions
enframeConverting vectors to data frames, and vice versa
formattingPrinting tibbles
frame_matrixRow-wise matrix creation
is_tibbleTest if the object is a tibble
is.tibbleDeprecated test for tibble-ness
lstBuild a list
name-repairName repair
name-repair-supersededSuperseded functions for name repair
new_tibbleTibble constructor and validator
numFormat a numeric vector
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rownamesTools for working with row names
subsettingSubsetting tibbles
tbl_df-class'tbl_df' class
tibbleBuild a data frame
tibble_optionsPackage options
tibble-packagetibble: Simple Data Frames
tribbleRow-wise tibble creation
trunc_matLegacy printing
viewView an object
tidyverse/tibble documentation built on Sept. 19, 2024, 3:06 a.m.