Man pages for tidyverse/tidyr
Tidy Messy Data

billboardSong rankings for Billboard top 100 in the year 2000
check_pivot_specCheck assumptions about a pivot 'spec'
chopChop and unchop
cms_patient_experienceData from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
completeComplete a data frame with missing combinations of data
constructionCompleted construction in the US in 2018
deprecated-seDeprecated SE versions of main verbs
drop_naDrop rows containing missing values
expandExpand data frame to include all possible combinations of...
expand_gridCreate a tibble from all combinations of inputs
extractExtract a character column into multiple columns using...
extract_numericExtract numeric component of variable.
fillFill in missing values with previous or next value
fish_encountersFish encounters
full_seqCreate the full sequence of values in a vector
gatherGather columns into key-value pairs
hoistHoist values out of list-columns
householdHousehold data
nestNest rows into a list-column of data frames
nest_legacyLegacy versions of 'nest()' and 'unnest()'
packPack and unpack
pipePipe operator
pivot_longerPivot data from wide to long
pivot_longer_specPivot data from wide to long using a spec
pivot_widerPivot data from long to wide
pivot_wider_specPivot data from long to wide using a spec
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
relig_incomePew religion and income survey
replace_naReplace NAs with specified values
separateSeparate a character column into multiple columns with a...
separate_longer_delimSplit a string into rows
separate_rowsSeparate a collapsed column into multiple rows
separate_wider_delimSplit a string into columns
smithsSome data about the Smith family
spreadSpread a key-value pair across multiple columns
table1Example tabular representations
tidyr_data_maskingArgument type: data-masking
tidyr_legacyLegacy name repair
tidyr-packagetidyr: Tidy Messy Data
tidyr_tidy_selectArgument type: tidy-select
uncount"Uncount" a data frame
uniteUnite multiple columns into one by pasting strings together
unnestUnnest a list-column of data frames into rows and columns
unnest_autoAutomatically call 'unnest_wider()' or 'unnest_longer()'
unnest_longerUnnest a list-column into rows
unnest_widerUnnest a list-column into columns
us_rent_incomeUS rent and income data
whoWorld Health Organization TB data
world_bank_popPopulation data from the World Bank
tidyverse/tidyr documentation built on Aug. 18, 2024, 7:40 p.m.