Man pages for tidyverts/tsibblestats
Feature Extraction and Statistics for Time Series

ACF(Partial) Autocorrelation and Cross-Correlation Function...
autoplot.tbl_cfAuto- and Cross- Covariance and -Correlation plots
classical_decompositionClassical Seasonal Decomposition by Moving Averages
coef_hurstHurst coefficient
feasts-packagefeasts: Feature Extraction and Statistics for Time Series
feat_acfAutocorrelation-based features
feat_intermittentIntermittency features
feat_pacfPartial autocorrelation-based features
feat_spectralSpectral features of a time series
feat_stlSTL features
generate.stl_decompositionGenerate block bootstrapped series from an STL decomposition
gg_armaPlot characteristic ARMA roots
gg_lagLag plots
gg_seasonSeasonal plot
gg_subseriesSeasonal subseries plots
gg_tsdisplayEnsemble of time series displays
gg_tsresidualsEnsemble of time series residual diagnostic plots
guerreroGuerrero's method for Box Cox lambda selection
longest_flat_spotLongest flat spot length
n_crossing_pointsNumber of crossing points
portmanteau_testsPortmanteau tests
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
scale_cf_laglagged datetime scales This set of scales defines new scales...
shift_level_maxSliding window features
stat_arch_lmARCH LM Statistic
STLMultiple seasonal decomposition by Loess
tile_featuresTime series features based on tiled windows
unitrootUnit root tests
unitroot_ndiffsNumber of differences required for a stationary series
X_13ARIMA_SEATSX-13ARIMA-SEATS Seasonal Adjustment
tidyverts/tsibblestats documentation built on March 18, 2024, 9:47 a.m.