This is an R Markdown document. Let's see how we might use it with the katexR htmlwidget.

OMG, Look at My KaTeX


as.tags(katex( "\\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=i}^{n} x_{i}", tag="p", style = "font-size:300%;" ))

# without the as.tags() enclosure
katex( "\\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=i}^{n} x_{i}", tag="span", style = "font-size:300%;" )

KaTeX the hard way

Now, since we get the KaTeX dependencies with katexR, we can also use them bare. If you don't anticipate already having a katex(...) call in the document, then you can just do an empty katex() to bring in the dependencies.

<h5 style="text-align:center;" ><span id = "katex-from-scratch"></span> with `katexR`</h5>
with `katexR`

Inline KaTeX

Now, let's go back to one rendered by our katexR function like this with some inline R code to see how we get it in a paragraph. Also, when inlining, you will probably want to set inline=T. In r as.tags(katex("\\KaTeX",tag="span",inline=T)) mean would look something like this r as.tags(katex("\\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{i=i}^{n} x_{i}",tag="span",inline=T)). Unfortunately, you might notice, that we have to enclose it in as.tags(...) to make it work, but hey it does work.

timelyportfolio/katexR documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:50 p.m.