### get knitr just the way we like it

  message = FALSE
  , warning = FALSE
  , error = FALSE
  , tidy = FALSE
  , cache = FALSE
  #, results = 'asis'

Getting Started

navr has not achieved CRAN status yet, so for now we will install with devtools::install_github as shown in the code below.


Simple Example


# navr loves htmltools::tags, and I do too
#   so let's use them

    id = "simple-toolbar"
    ,style="width:100%;height:300px;border: dashed 0.2em lightgray;"
    ,tags$h1( "Div in Need of Toolbar" )
    ,tags$p( "If all goes well, you should see something that resembles a toolbar.
      This toolbar is built in R using the htmlwidget "
      , tags$a(tags$code("navr"),href = "https://github.com/timelyportfolio/navr")
      ," which wraps the tiny, dependency-free powerhouse "
      ,tags$a(tags$code("responsive-nav.js"),href = "http://responsive-nav.com/")
      ,".  Isn't open source great?  For bonus points, open this in a mobile device"
      ,"or make your screen small enough to see the hamburger icon"
      , tags$span( class="fa fa-bars" )
    "#simple-toolbar"  # id of selector for the div above
      tags$ul(style = "float:left;"
        ,tags$li(tags$a("worthless1"),href="")  # for now just text
        ,tags$li(tags$a("worthless2"),href="") # for now just text
    , options = list( insert = "after" )

htmlwidget Example

I can imagine a scenario where one of our htmlwidget friends might need a toolbar. Let's say a DiagrammeR diagram wants to add a toolbar for exporting the rendered SVG. We could do something like this.


gV <- grViz(
  "digraph{ DiagrammeR -> HTML; navr -> HTML; HTML -> beautiful; }"
  , height = 400, width = 600

  # wrap diagram in a div since a lot of htmlwidgets clear contents
  tags$div(id = "diagram-needs-toolbar"
    selector = "#diagram-needs-toolbar"
    # use HTML instead of tags
    ,taglist = HTML("
        <li><a onclick = 'exportSVG()' href = '#diagram-needs-toolbar'>Export to SVG</a></li>
    function exportSVG(){
          window.btoa((new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(

Stylish Hover Effects

We can apply these stylish hover effects from Ian Lunn with the helper function add_hover. There are lots of different effects. Let's try pop and float.


# build a simple nav
n1 <- navr(
  selector = "#pop-toolbar"
  ,taglist = tagList(
      tags$li(style="border: solid 0.1em white;","Popper")
      ,tags$li(style="border: solid 0.1em white;","Popping")
# make a copy to show another effect
n2 <- n1
n2$x$taglist = tagList(
    tags$li(style="border: solid 0.1em white;","Floater")
    ,tags$li(style="border: solid 0.1em white;","Floating")

    id = "pop-toolbar"
    ,style="width:300px;height:300px;border: dashed 0.2em lightgray;"
    ,tags$h3("Hover Effects")
    ,"Hover effects are nice and let our users know that our
      navr actually does something.  Just wait until you see our navr with icons."

Awesome Font-Awesome Icons

Font-Awesome are the nice open-source MIT-licensed icons in Bootstrap. add_font makes it easy to use these icons in our toolbar. Even neater, the hover effects shown below play very nicely with Font-Awesome, so I would encourage add_hover + add_font_awesome. If you're in shiny, no need to use add_font_awesome since Bootstrap already gives you these icons.


# build a simple nav
n1 <- navr(
  selector = "#icon-toolbar"
  ,taglist = tagList(
    tags$ul(style="line-height:120px; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;"
        style="border: solid 0.1em white;border-radius:100%;line-height:inherit;width:130px;height:130px;"
        , class="fa fa-beer fa-4x"
        style="border: solid 0.1em white;border-radius:100%;line-height:inherit;width:130px;height:130px;"
        , class="fa fa-bell fa-4x"

    id = "icon-toolbar"
    ,style="width:300px;height:300px;border: dashed 0.2em lightgray; float:left;"
    ,tags$h3("Icon with Hover Effects")
    ,"Hover effects are even nicer when they work with icons, especially our easy
    to add Font-Awesome icons."

navr + sortableR

I bet last week's widget sortableR will also work with navr.


# build a simple nav
n1 <- navr(
  selector = "#sortableR-toolbar"
  ,taglist = tagList(
    tags$ul(id = "sort-navr"
      ,style="line-height:120px; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle;"
        style="border: solid 0.1em white;border-radius:100%;line-height:inherit;width:130px;height:130px;"
        , class="fa fa-bug fa-4x"
        style="border: solid 0.1em white;border-radius:100%;line-height:inherit;width:130px;height:130px;"
        , class="fa fa-binoculars fa-4x"
        style="border: solid 0.1em white;border-radius:100%;line-height:inherit;width:130px;height:130px;"
        , class="fa fa-camera fa-4x"
        style="border: solid 0.1em white;border-radius:100%;line-height:inherit;width:130px;height:130px;"
        , class="fa fa-briefcase fa-4x"

    id = "sortableR-toolbar"
    ,style="width:300px;border: dashed 0.2em lightgray; float:left;"
    ,tags$h3("sortableR Icons")
    ,"If you don't like the order of these icons, change them by drag and dropping."

timelyportfolio/navr documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:51 p.m.