Man pages for timriffe/DemoDecomp
Decompose Demographic Functions

horiuchiNumeric Approximation of Continuous Decomposition
LTabran abridged lifetable based on M(x)
ltreCaswell's LTRE method of decomposition
Mxc1Year 2002 death rates by cause for US males in abridged age...
Mxc2Year 2002 death rates by cause for England and Wales males in...
Mxc2e0abrget life expectancy at birth from an (abridged)age-cause...
Mxc2e0abrvecget life expectancy at birth from the vec of an age-cause...
R0vecR0vec Calculates net reproduction, R0, according to a given...
rates1Fake data generated for horiuchi example.
rates2Fake data generated for horiuchi example.
stepwise_replacementimplementation of the decomposition algorithm of stepwise...
timriffe/DemoDecomp documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 9:23 p.m.