Man pages for tinnaing347/bRema
Building Energy Modelling and Analysis Tool in R

aic_bic_modelGenerates comprehensive output for AIC and BIC
aic_bic_testCalculates AIC and BIC
batch_runBatch run for both energy type (unretrofit)
batch_run_energyBatch run for specific energy (unretrofit)
batch_run_energy_retrofitBatch run for specific energy (retrofit)
batch_run_retrofitBatch run for both energy type (retrofit)
best_worst_modelFilters model with lowest CV-RMSE
bRema-packagebRema: Building Energy Modelling and Analysis Tool in R
calc_loadsCalculates loads
calc_nacCalculates normalized annual comsumption
calc_predicted_usageCalculates preicted usage
calc_total_consumptionCalculates total consumption
choosing_final_bestChooses the best parameter model
collect_slopesReturn a data frame of slopes
construct_all_modelConstruct table for all models
construct_model_tableConstruct model table
create_modelCalculates the best segmented regression parameters for a...
create_model_2Calculates the best segmented regression parameters for a...
lean_analysis_rankingRanks baseload, heating/cooling change-points and...
least_squaresLinear regression
main_best_model_funcReturns the best model
main_best_model_retrofitReturns the best model for retrofit data
main_lean_analysisMain logic for lean analysis
main_line_point_plotHandles plotting parameter models
main_plot_handlerHandles plotting parameter models
main_saving_calcHandles calculation for savings and savings uncertainty
make_matrixRestructures a matrix returned by 'splitter' function
make_post_model_tableConsturct post model table
matrix_lengthChecks the length of a matrix
model_pass_funcFilters for models that have satisfying threshold
model_testTests if a model passes tTest, population test, and shape...
norm_temp_tmy3Normalized average monthly temperature
plot_modelHandles plotting lines for parameter models
plot_pointHandles plotting points for parameter models
plot_timeseriesPlots time series
pop_testPolpulation test
retrofit_utilityEnergy usage data (retrofitted) of 4 buildings
run_modelCalculates and graphs parameter based models
run_model_retrofitCalculates and graphs parameter based models for retrofit...
saving_calcCalculates savings
saving_uncertainty_calcCalculates saving uncertainity
shape_testShape test
sort_matrixSorts matrices
splitterSplits and restructures a matrix
statsCalculates statistics
test_modelPerforms segmented regression for a given model
unretrofit_utilityEnergy usage data (unretrofitted) of 23 buildings.
y_genCalculates predicted usage
tinnaing347/bRema documentation built on Aug. 23, 2019, 9:15 p.m.