Man pages for tjconstant/photonMonkey
Misc Tools for Photonics

add.diffractionAdd all possible diffraction lines to a dispersion plot.
circleFunction to plot a circle
diffraction.lineDiffraction Line calculation
disp.plot5Plotting of irregular spaced matrix data with aribitary...
disp.plot6Plotting of irregular spaced matrix data with aribitary...
ellipsedraw an ellipse
fancyLaTexAxisadd a fancy LaTeX axis for use with tikz
fancyRAxisfancy R axis
generate_4WM_mapsMap Four-Wave Mixing Angles and Wavelengths
ggdisp.plotPlotting of irregular spaced matrix data with aribitary...
jet.colorsJet Colorscale
kspace.plotk-space map from raw scatterometry image
label_scientific10Formatting for x10^n
labels_photonicsConvenient Labelling for Photonics Graphs
LunburgLensElectric Field in a Lunburg Lens (Dataset)
mirrorMirror a dataset around x=0 (experimental)
NashSamblesAgComplex Permittivity of Silver in the Visible Regime...
PalikAgComplex Permittivity of Silver in the Visible Regime...
permittivity.NashSamblesAgComplex Permittivity of Silver in the Visible Regime...
permittivity.PalikAgComplex Permittivity of Silver in the Visible Regime...
photonMonkey-packageMisc Tools for Photonics
rcp.plotFunction to plot the reciprocal lattice of a 2D crystal.
read.ascRead in an asc spectra file.
read.delay_scanQuick analysis and plot of time dynamics
semicircleDraw a semi-circle
spectrum.normaliseFunction to calculate reflectivity from raw Monochromator...
splotFunction to calculate reflectivity from raw Monochromator...
SPPdispersionExample Wavelength-Angle-Reflectivity Dataset
unwrap.phasePhase Unwrapping Function
tjconstant/photonMonkey documentation built on May 31, 2019, 3:38 p.m.