Man pages for tjfinney/ANTTV
Analysis of New Testament Textual Variation (Code)

Acts.UBS2.distActs of the Apostles textual variation data extracted from...
do_CMDSPerform classical multidimensional scaling
do_countsCompute pairwise defined counts
do_DCPerform divisive clustering analysis
do_distCompute distance matrix from a data frame
do_NJPerform neighbour-joining tree estimation
do_NJ_consensusReturn the majority-rule consensus neighbour-joining tree
do_NJ_supportEstimate support values for a neighbour-joining tree
do_PAMDo PAM (partitioning around medoids) analysis.
do_PA_to_distConvert percentage agreement matrix to distance matrix
do_rankFor each witness, rank other witnesses by distance
do_reductionReduce missing data
do_segments_by_columnDivide a data frame into n column-wise segments
do_trimDrop witnesses from the input distance matrix if they are...
Mark.UBS4Gospel of Mark textual variation data extracted from UBS4...
read_data_frameRead a data frame
read_data_frame_CBGMRead a CBGM file
read_dist_matrixRead a distance matrix
tjfinney/ANTTV documentation built on July 1, 2024, 11 p.m.