Man pages for tjmahr/printy
Helper functions for pretty-printing numbers

fmt_effect_mdFormat an effect from a model object in markdown
fmt_fix_digitsFormat a number with a fixed number of digits
fmt_leading_zeroFormat numbers to remove leading zeros
fmt_minus_signFormat negative numbers with a minus sign
fmt_p_valueFormat a _p_-value
fmt_p_value_mdFormat a _p_-value in markdown
fmt_remove_html_entitiesReplace HTML entities used by this package with UTF-8 codes
fmt_replace_naReplace NAs with another value
printy-packageprinty: Helper functions for pretty-printing numbers
skel_conf_intervalSkeleton for a confidence interval
skel_rangeSkeleton for a range of numbers
skel_seSkeletons for inline stats
skel_stat_n_value_pairSkeleton for t-statistic-like functions
str_replace_same_as_previousReplace strings that duplicate the previous string
str_tokenizeBreak a string to individual (character) tokens
super_splitSplit a dataframe into a list of (lists of ...) dataframes
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
tjmahr/printy documentation built on March 4, 2024, 1:25 a.m.