Man pages for tkonopka/shrt
short R code

apwiApply function with an iterator
assigncAssign value to a variable using value from cache
cachedirSet or query a cache directory
cachefileGet path to a cache file matching object
cacheprefixSet or query a prefix for cache files
catvWrite a message to the console, but only if in verbose mode
detect.verbosedetermine a verbosity level
emptyevaluate if object is empty (length 0)
existscCheck if an object exists in cache
grepfPattern matching inside text files
grepvPattern matching
h1Return first element
h2Return second element
h3Return third element
initpInitialize a directory structure for a project
jicompute Jaccard Index of two sets
lengreplength of grep result
lenuGet number of unique elements in a vector
limqcreate an interval to catch a set proportion of input data...
linecharsCount characters-per-line in files
load1Load one R object from an Rda file
loadcRetrieve object from cache
loaddirLoad contents of directory (from multiple files of different...
lstCollect objects into a named list
makecMake an object using a function and record in cache
msgMessage logging function
mtrxCreates a matrix with row and column names
namesFGet element names in a vector that hold value FALSE
namesNAGet element names in a vector that are NA
namesTGet element names in a vector that hold value TRUE
namesVGet element names in a vector that hold given values
newmsgCreate new message logging object
newvCreate new empty object
nlistCreate a named list using an existing object or data frame
nvecCreate a named vector using two columns in a data-frame
oicompute Overlap Index of two sets
p0Concatenate strings
pluckExtract a component from an object
pluck1Extract the first component from an object
pluck2Extract the second component from an object
reqvarsCheck that variables are defined
rmcRemove an object and its disk-cached match
rthtRead table from file
savecSave an object into disk-based cache
setsummaryCharacterize memberships in two sets
todayGet a string with today's date, e.g. 20171126
widenWiden an interval by a relative amount
wthtWrite a table to disk
x2colConvert numbers or matrices into colors with transparency
x2dfconvert an object to a data.frame
x2hexConvert numbers [0,1] into two-digit hex [00,ff]
tkonopka/shrt documentation built on March 5, 2020, 2:51 p.m.